Group Meditations That Help our Civilization Evolve
(too old to reply)
2010-01-28 16:49:08 UTC
Transmission Meditation is a scientific, unbelievably potent, non-
denominational, group meditation which provides a vehicle for service
affecting the entire evolution of humanity for the better.

No special training or classes are required. There is never any fee
to participate. All you need is love and the desire to serve
humanity. It will not interfere with any other religious or
spiritual practice. In fact, it will enhance your personal meditation
and any other service activities in which you may be engaged. Once a
routine is established it often becomes a very positive and important
point of focus in each individual's life.

There are more than 600 groups in 40 countries worldwide meeting on a
regular basis.

For more information including how to find out if there is a group
near you or how to start a group:

Triangles is a potent meditation that many people all over the world
do everyday.
The work of Triangles is directing energy by the power of thought. In
Triangles we use the focused power of thought to invoke and direct
into humanity the energies of light and goodwill -- energies
desperately needed in our world today. It is a deeply scientific work,
but fundamentally simple. Invocation, prayer or aspiration, meditation
-- it matters not which word you use -- by means of these three
methods, spiritual energies are tapped and brought into activity.


The truth will set us all free from the darkness of ignorance..


"Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. Our thoughts, our
words and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw around
ourselves." Swami Vivekananda

"God generates beings, and sends them back over and over again, till
they return to Him." Koran

"Our fear of death is our fear that our identity will be obliterated.
It is this which terrifies. If we did but realise and experience that
that identity is an immortal Being which cannot die or be obliterated,
our fear of death would vanish." Benjamin Creme

"Man is spiritual being -- a soul , in other words -- and that this
soul takes on different bodies from life to life on earth to order at
last to arrive at such perfect knowledge, through repeated experience,
as to enable one to assume a body fit to be the dwelling-place of a
Mahatma or perfected soul. Then, they say, that particular soul
becomes a spiritual helper to mankind. " H.P. Blavatsky

"The deletion of this truth from the Church's teachings has resulted
in the ignorance and fear so much in evidence today. Where interest in
reincarnation has survived, it has, for the most part, taken the form
of an almost exclusive interest in the supposed personal details of
previous lives." The Master -


"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo.
But I can only show you the door.
You're the one that has to walk through it."

"I am is the fist person singular of the verb "to be". To be or not
to be, that is the question... Who you are - who I am - is beyond any
definition... [just as the Masters of Wisdom are far beyond
evaluation, we too are also that in fact & potential]. Thoughts make
you suffer. It's the minds interpretation... When we get to the point
where we decide that we don't need suffering anymore, then we change
our minds..." Eckhart Tolle

"The names of Those who constantly appear in this story as ordinary
men and women, but who are now Masters,
may make those great Beings real to some; They have climbed up to
where They stand on the same ladder of life up which we are climbing
now; They have known the common household life, the joys and sorrows,
the successes and failures, which make up human experience. They are
not Gods perfect from unending ages, but men and women who have
unfolded within themselves and have, along a toilsome road reached the
superhuman. They are the fulfilled promise of what we shall be, the
flowers on the plant on which we are the buds. "
Lives of Alcyone - introduction, p 35 by C.W. Leadbetter

"I have said Ye are Gods, & all of you are children of the Most


"We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so any longer; it does not work. If two-thirds of
the world’s population are living in poverty then the economic system
does not work. If we think that they will go on without asking that it
work for them, then we are sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya
will make that clear." Benjamin Creme

When you see Me you will know that My voice is yours, for I speak for
all men and women everywhere. I speak the thoughts which blossom in
hearts and minds of pure Love. I speak of the needs of all, for
Sharing and Justice. I show men that the path to Justice is simple,
the way forward calls all men. I speak of God’s Truth, of the Light
within mankind, of the need for trust, the Love of brother for
brother. Of all of this I speak. Soon men will know... (Maitreya,
from Message No.108)
Master Bait
2010-01-29 02:32:20 UTC
Post by 2B-Clear
Transmission Meditation is a scientific, unbelievably potent, non-
denominational, group meditation which provides a vehicle for service
affecting the entire evolution of humanity for the better.

Place both of your little pinky fingers on your Third Eye and contemplate My
bodily form as you chant this mantra"

"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
dick blisters
2010-01-29 12:20:41 UTC
Post by Master Bait
Post by 2B-Clear
Transmission Meditation is a scientific, unbelievably potent, non-
denominational, group meditation which provides a vehicle for service
affecting the entire evolution of humanity for the better.
Place both of your little pinky fingers on your Third Eye and contemplate My
bodily form as you chant this mantra"
"Master Bait -- The One Maitreya'
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Advanced Technique for Master Bait:

Wrap as many fingers as possible around your penis ( in your case 2)
and contemplate your inner anus while chanting this mantra:

"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
"Master Bait - - Is Pure Diarrhea"
