The Rats Have Jumped Ship
(too old to reply)
2019-11-05 01:45:54 UTC
They jumped from Google Groups to Yahoo Groups to Groups.io., along the way they lost thousands who jumped overboard, never to be seen or heard from again. Only the strong remain.

Now we have a Mean Girls Group (six members) and a Bad Boys Group (eleven members). Subscribe and find out all about British crime dramas!


2021-09-29 00:32:10 UTC
Post by WillyTex
They jumped from Google Groups to Yahoo Groups to Groups.io.,
along the way they lost thousands who jumped overboard, never
to be seen or heard from again. Only the strong remain.
"So, we've got a Ravi that got booted for posting threats about a Bill's wife - but a Ravi is still posting; and a Ravi denies he got booted; and a Rick can't remember if it was Ravi that got booted or not; and a Judy that says a Ravi got booted but the Judy wants the Ravi back; and we've got a Bob that wants the Ravi to be given amnesty so the Ravi can come back and post some more about the Bill, but the Ravi never left in the first place. So, I guess the Ravi wasn't booted or he was.

And the Bob claims he called the Richard's wife, the Rita, at her place of employ, to ask her about what shampoo the Richard uses, so the Bob could grow some hair like the Richard has; but the Bob forgot to ask the Rita about where to get himself some dentures. And, the Ann and the Emily are annoyed that the Richard is posting too many messages and it takes them all day to read through everything. Did I get this right?"

Amnesty for Arctic 30, Pussy Riot, and Ravi
