Post by smurfPost by BhairituPost by Lawson EnglishPost by BhairituPost by Lawson EnglishPost by BhairituPost by Lawson EnglishPost by Lawson EnglishPost by BhairituPost by Lawson EnglishPost by BhairituPost by Lawson EnglishPost by BhairituPost by Lawson EnglishPost by smurfPost by BhairituI hope he's on the
I dont, he's totally fake
Eh, I knew Deepak back when calling him Deepak meant you
knew him personally or knew his staff personally, at least.
The TMO spent a LOT of time and money creating him.
I think he has some good ideas in the area of ayurveda and
has done well making "spiritual lite" accessible to the masses.
Where do you think he learned about ayurveda?
It's one thing to "learn" ayurveda and it is another to make
it accessible to others. Chopra did a good job doing that.
You're just sore he didn't keep on praising MMY.
Hageln's initial books on ayurveda were all ghost-written by
people in the TMO.
By the time in 1985 that the TMO did their big Maharishi
Ayurveda push I had already read Dr. Vasant Lad's book and knew
more about ayurveda than was presented at their presentation
which I paid $185 for. Even after they announced that only
people with serious illness problems should take the
consultation appointments the "usual suspects" of course crowded
in and took them anyway.
Ayurveda can be taught very simply. I have a Indian friend who
is an MD who does it very well. His parents were both
allopathic physicians but he learned ayurveda from his
grandfather by following him around as he visited patients. So
it was more of a "village style" ayurveda.
Which doesn't address my point. Chopra has never been a
practicing vaidya--even a TM one.
So your example of someone who "does it very well" doesn't describe
Chopra. He doesn't practice ayurveda, as far as I know. He talks about it.
I would say "as far as I know" pretty much sums it up. That and a
dollar will get you cup of coffee at 7-11. :D
Have you heard that he practices ayurveda? Where? He has MDs and
vaidyas to do that stuff. He lectures. He certainly dosn't practice
medicine, by his own declaration.
Neither does Maharishi, yet he founded Maharishi Ayuveda.
Based on his intuition of which aspects fit with his understanding of Veda.
BTW, one doesn't have to be a vaidya to understand ayurveda. I would
bet that Chopra has a pretty good understanding. Probably better than MMY.
On what basis do you believe that MMY's understanding of Veda is correct?
I have seen some of the Ayervedic preparations and the FDA would go
ballistic if that kind of medicine were
pratised here. A lot of the ingredients could be considered to be
toxic at a minimum or placebo at best. The Old West had its share of
Snake Oil guys, so does India, China, Uganda, and New Orleans (if you
are into Vodoo). This is symptomatic
of a Western Society which has lost faith in Western Medicine, either
because of high cost, or just propaganda, so now its' head East
instead of head West. Pretty sad when you think of all the Chopras out
there cashing in on this with PBS specials, DVD's, Books and
appearence seminars. All of which, of course are not free. There are
some folk out there who will charge something very basic to cover
their bus fare and the rental of a Hall to impart what they have. They
are the real people I find. But hey, this is America, where everyone
can merchandise what they want. Caveat Emptor. Maybe I should give
some serious thought about getting into this game. But maybe I dont
like taking money off of folk who are seriously ill. It's called
morality and avoiding coming back as a centipede!
Allopathic medicine and particularly the pharmaceutical companies gouge
the public. A lot of their shit doesn't work or is so toxic people wind
up for years dealing with the side effects. The drug companies have
turned physicians into little more than drug pushers. Have you been to a
doctor or dentist lately and see how much they gouge? Try paying for
your own health insurance where they gouge you if you are a little
overweight with a 50% surcharge. I can see a 10 or 15% surcharge but 50
is outrageous. Just a scam so their CEOs can take billion dollar
salaries like the scumbag CEO of United Healthcare.
Yes, there are ayurvedic scammers in India. I visited with a professor
of ayurveda at Benares Hindu University who told me what the scammers do
like put a tiny bit of the herb in the product and fill it up with other
stuff. They had to take the labels off the university's ayurvedic
garden or else people would come in an rip off the plants.
But ayurveda is very powerful and you can use a lot of herbs that you
have in the kitchen to keep you out of the doctor's office. I highly
recommend Vasant Lad's "The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies"
which will help keep you out of the doctor's office for many things.