Grur Dev's Advaita
(too old to reply)
2009-11-17 17:08:50 UTC
Almost every word said by Guru Dev, in private or in public,
was in support of Adwaita Vedanta as superior to all dualistic
systems. Adwaita refers to the nature of the Self, (Atman), as
being identical to the Brahman, (Paramatman). Brahman, the
Absolute, according to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, is the
only reality, and that you are That - Sat-Chit-Ananda. There is
no higher Truth than the Truth - Sanatam Dharma.

"You are yourself a part of the Sat Chit Anand – the Absolute
Bliss Consciousness - of the Almighty, but out of ignorance
don’t make the mistake of going here and there in the manner
of stray dogs wagging the tails, as taking pleasure in worldliness
pushes a return experience." - Swami Brahmanand Saraswati

In fact, the President of India addressed Swami Brahmanada
Saraswat as 'Vedanta Incarnate'. All the Shankaracharyas teach
Adwaita Vedanta, based on the teachings of the Adi
Shankaracharaya. "Advaita" refers to the identity of the Self
(Atman) and the Whole (Brahman). The transcendental or the
Pa-rama-rthika level in which Brahman is the only reality and
nothing else.

Amrit - Kana (Droplets of Nectar)
By Swami Brahmanand Saraswati

Advaita Vedanta:

Beacon Light of the Himalayas:
2009-11-27 17:27:16 UTC
The Adwaita way of seeing mantra and tantra was established by
the Adi Shankara at Sringeri when he composed the scriptures
of 'Sri Vidya' - the Saundaryalahari.

The POV of Adwaita, according to the Adwaita Tradition of
Shankaracharya, is 'consciousness is the only reality', everything
else is an appearance. In Adwaita Tantra, the business of mantra,
(from 'man', to think, and 'tra', a tool), that is, Shri, Saraswati,
the Adwaita Tradition, is to provide a yoga that would provide the
ideal oportunity for the transcending of the illusion.

Guadapada, the founder of the Adwaita Tradition in India, wrote
that enlightenment consists of 'dispelling the illusion' that people
possess individual soul-monads.

The yoga of Shankara, 'Sri Vidya', is Absolute Knowledge, the
highest knowledge. According to Shankara, there is no higher
Truth than the Truth - the Absolute One. And there is no faster
path than the Yoga Tantra of Sri Vidya.

"There are three issues that must be understood in order to
understand Adwaita: The realization that there are *not two*; the
realization that things and events are an *illusion*; and the
*dispelling of illusion*" by a process of experiential yogic
transcendental meditation.

Then, the Witness, Purusha, the Transcendental Person,
stands all by Itself as the Self in PC, or Pure Consciousness:

Read more:


The Adi Shankara described the yogic path in his vartika
on the commentary on Yoga Sutras by Vyasa. Shankaracharya
has also explained the mantra and tantra in his commentaries
on Mandukhya Upanishad and in the Saundaryalahari. Shankara
agrees with Patanjali: "There should be soundless repition of the
Prananva, mantra]..."

The Adwaita Tantra tradition is very simple to learn because it is
based on pure monism: there is One reality, all the rest are
appearance only. Swami Brhamanand Saraswati, Shankaracharya
of Jyotirmath, taught that Brahman is Light; it needs no other light
for illumination.

"The difference is the same as the difference between rice and
paddy. Remove the skin of the paddy and it is rice. Similarly,
remove the covering of Maya, and the Jiva will become Brahman."
- Guru Dev


His Holiness Shri Jagatguru Shankaracharya
Maharaj of Jyotirmath
Bharatiya Darshana-Parishhad
All-India Philosophical Association
Calcutta, December 1950

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Adwaita Vedanta:
2015-11-22 13:37:55 UTC
The swami is said to have been one of those rare siddhas who had the knowledge of "Sri Vidya."

Post by willytex
The Adwaita way of seeing mantra and tantra was established by
the Adi Shankara at Sringeri when he composed the scriptures
of 'Sri Vidya' - the Saundaryalahari.
The POV of Adwaita, according to the Adwaita Tradition of
Shankaracharya, is 'consciousness is the only reality', everything
else is an appearance. In Adwaita Tantra, the business of mantra,
(from 'man', to think, and 'tra', a tool), that is, Shri, Saraswati,
the Adwaita Tradition, is to provide a yoga that would provide the
ideal oportunity for the transcending of the illusion.
that enlightenment consists of 'dispelling the illusion' that people
possess individual soul-monads.
The yoga of Shankara, 'Sri Vidya', is Absolute Knowledge, the
highest knowledge. According to Shankara, there is no higher
Truth than the Truth - the Absolute One. And there is no faster
path than the Yoga Tantra of Sri Vidya.
"There are three issues that must be understood in order to
understand Adwaita: The realization that there are *not two*; the
realization that things and events are an *illusion*; and the
*dispelling of illusion*" by a process of experiential yogic
transcendental meditation.
Then, the Witness, Purusha, the Transcendental Person,
The Adi Shankara described the yogic path in his vartika
on the commentary on Yoga Sutras by Vyasa. Shankaracharya
has also explained the mantra and tantra in his commentaries
on Mandukhya Upanishad and in the Saundaryalahari. Shankara
agrees with Patanjali: "There should be soundless repition of the
Prananva, mantra]..."
The Adwaita Tantra tradition is very simple to learn because it is
based on pure monism: there is One reality, all the rest are
appearance only. Swami Brhamanand Saraswati, Shankaracharya
of Jyotirmath, taught that Brahman is Light; it needs no other light
for illumination.
"The difference is the same as the difference between rice and
paddy. Remove the skin of the paddy and it is rice. Similarly,
remove the covering of Maya, and the Jiva will become Brahman."
- Guru Dev
His Holiness Shri Jagatguru Shankaracharya
Maharaj of Jyotirmath
Bharatiya Darshana-Parishhad
All-India Philosophical Association
Calcutta, December 1950