Uncle Tantra
2007-03-06 14:40:05 UTC
THINGS TMers BELIEVE, Volume I (4 February 2007)
This is the first of what will be a regular series
posted to this forum. The quotes below are from a
Yahoo forum that regularly discusses Transcendental
Meditation (TM), as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The quotes are presented verbatim, as they appeared
on the Yahoo forum during the last week.
The speakers are all long-term TM practitioners who
have been practicing TM twice a day for a minimum of
20 years, up to 305 or more years. This is what they
say on the Yahoo forum in response to other posters
on that forum. I post the quotes without attribution,
because in my opinion the quotes and their authors
are pretty much interchangeable. If you are interested
in determining the specific author of any of the quotes,
and the context in which he or she wrote the quote,
please use Yahoo's 'Advanced Search' feature on the
Web version of the forum itself:
In general, the people being talked *about* by these
long-term practitioners of TM are those who have dared
to be critical of TM, the TM organization, and Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi. Other than occasional comments to explain
context or who or what is being discussed, none of the
words below are mine. I make no comment on any of them,
other than having chosen them for inclusion here, and
will join in none of the followup discussions here. The
reader is free to draw his or her own conclusions.
"My take on the foundation for much of the
TM and MMY bashing is that it comes from
folks who believed all of that was their
salvation, but from a superficial perspective-
in other words they would not have to change
much but reap all of the benefits. Then when
that didn't pan out, they now have found
things to bash TM and MMY about, in order to
justify their decision to drop it, and to
belive this same salvation of theirs can be
found elsewhere. Pretty simple really."
"After an exchange of postings it has become
evident that the poster using the name V [TM
critic] is a Freemason, apparently of high rank,
with (1) little or no understanding of TM and
other eastern spiritual practices; and who has
confessed to (2) be on a mission to apparently
sow doubt about the safety of the practices of
i.a. the TM and TM-Sidhi programes."
"Whatever you do, don't play any of these MP3s
[one MP3 of a Leonard Cohen song, sent by a TM
critic] - they contain subliminal Illuminati
brainwashing messages."
"Most of these fellows [TM critics] did not
take the Programme seriously at all, I know
them from Purusha - they were just in it for
the ride. They are fools. The majority of the
profesional TM-criticts here on FFL never
learned TM in the first place."
"Lurkers should be aware that B [TM critic]
is a troll who enjoys inflicting his delusional
fantasy world on this forum, most often for the
purpose of attacking supporters of TM and
misleading readers who aren't well informed
about the TMO."
"Ironically, V [TM critic] says he started
TM when he was 14, no doubt making any type
of meditation he has practiced afterwards more
successful. Rather than honor this essential
step in his spiritual journey, he regularly
scorns it."
[To a TM critic] "You may not have realized it,
but you are dying from literal diarrhea. The
only known cure to this condition is to re-
digest your shiite, hoping that there's is left
some nourishment in the brown stuff you're
chewing on. Doing so shouldnät be a problem -
looking at your postings so far, I give the
impression of having actualyl acquired a taste
for human chocolate."
"There is a coordinated effort to try to
disgrace Maharishi. Several here on FFL is in
this business, seemingly fulltime. They are
working very hard on this. Why ? Because some
structures in a crumbling, capitalistic world
is threathened by the fact that TM actually
allows the person to experience a state beyond
"sin", allows them to grow in their own pace
towards Godhead, regardless of religion. They
fear this very much. Their focus now is currently
on Maharishi. Before this Vivekananda, Yogananda
and Muktananda were targets. Soon their focus
will be on Maitreya. As with the attacs on
Maharishi et. al., their attacs on Maitreya will
fail utterly, and they will be exposed."
"Do you really think that peons get a chance to
see the Dali Lama these days, unless it is a
publicity gimmick? Past a certain size, organi-
zational structure disallows the boss from getting
his hands dirty with the peasants."
"According to L [a regular poster to the forum]
freaks like this P and V [TM critics] might well
be evicted by our Space Brothers to a planet of
lower vibrational value where they will fit in
better than here. Not to mention a few other
outcasts regularily posting on this forum.
L could be right. One can but hope..."
[To a TM critic] "You are a self-confessed mason
with a mission and I think there is a very strong
need for you to come clean regarding what you are
up to - what the end-vision for you work here
really is?"
"Do you guys get paid by the hour or day to do
whatever it is you are doing?"
"This P fellow [TM critic] has one agenda; to
capitalize, in cash, on someone else. He is
typical english lowlife where any thryst with any
famous rockstar or politician is sold to The Sun
for cash. P is a parasite, may he go where he
belongs. He, like the rest of us, will reap what
we sow."
"Yo, P [TM critic]- why don't you pour some gas
over yourself and lighten up?"
"This is what will happen: when the entity residing
inside P [TM critic] leaves the body, that
entity will once again find itself summoned to the
local reincarnation board where it will view a re-run
of its last incarnation, and do so in a light that
will probably be quite different form the way it sees
it now. Thus debriefed, and have recognized any
particular actions it feels it could have done
differently, time has arrived to choose next
incarnation and the candidate is presented with a
number of alternative mostly-scripted "roles" it can
play next time around (each typically having a mix
of so-called good and bad karma, to balance the
overall karmic load of the entity). If, at this board,
it becomes evident that the entity in question has
been into some pretty dark stuff, it may be offered
the opportunity to immediately start to re-balance
this particular karmic debt, perhaps by choosing an
existence as as lab test animal - or whatever."
"Demonic forces outside P's [TM critic] conscious
knowing might use him as a vehicle and tool. Or not.
I have no direct information on this. But it seems
plausible given the bizzare, clouded in intellectual
jargon, nature of his attacs."
"The real problem with P is that has so far been unable
to work up the spine to come out of the closet with who
he is and openly admit his orientation."
"That's certainly *my* problem with P: not his negative
opinions of MMY, but his inability to be straightforward
about where he stands."
"More often than not, it appears that TM supporters
are the ones treated as interlopers intruding into
the world of the TM critics and subjecting *them*
to ideas they don't want to hear."
"To insult a Master of our Age in such a systematic
way as this lowlife existence P does is carmically
troublesome. A fact he sees in his naive existence
to be of no problem. Having no detailed information
about these issues; might I suggest he being reborn
as a hog in Iran ?"
"Forget this fellow, this lowlife, white trash P [TM
critic]. He is a crook. All he wants is to become
famous by writing about famous people. He is without
qualities; he would not survive in a normal society
where none was to trash."
"Yep, he [TM critic] is someone who is only comfortable
in a black and white world. The fanatics of which he
speaks only exist in the comfort of his unenlightened
mind, where he creates them in order to have a false
foundation from which to make sense of an illusionary
"You are not my "bro". You are a simpelton. You do
not even understand the simplest of thoughts."
"This white trash are fulltimers. Fulltimers have
before tried physically to get rid of MMY, be it guns
or bombs. They failed. They will fail in this assult
also. Again and again they are exposed as the
simpleton fools they are."
"So checking is not an individualized method, V ?
[TM critic] Again you expose your silly ignorance.
You are a simple fool, someone I would descripe as
a "little one". V, from where do you get this
energy to attac something which is truly valuable.
Ponder before answering please, though I do not
expect a honest answer I'm afraid."
"Hey, don't kid yourself, big boy. We're just
meditating house holders...no big deal. Average
"Anyone with a spare spine we could give to Mr M?"
"As B [TM critic] knows, there's no such thing as
a representative practitioner of TM."
"The easiest way a case for TM is made on this forum
is by people seeing clearly the results of not
practicing it, Babe."
This is the first of what will be a regular series
posted to this forum. The quotes below are from a
Yahoo forum that regularly discusses Transcendental
Meditation (TM), as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The quotes are presented verbatim, as they appeared
on the Yahoo forum during the last week.
The speakers are all long-term TM practitioners who
have been practicing TM twice a day for a minimum of
20 years, up to 305 or more years. This is what they
say on the Yahoo forum in response to other posters
on that forum. I post the quotes without attribution,
because in my opinion the quotes and their authors
are pretty much interchangeable. If you are interested
in determining the specific author of any of the quotes,
and the context in which he or she wrote the quote,
please use Yahoo's 'Advanced Search' feature on the
Web version of the forum itself:
In general, the people being talked *about* by these
long-term practitioners of TM are those who have dared
to be critical of TM, the TM organization, and Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi. Other than occasional comments to explain
context or who or what is being discussed, none of the
words below are mine. I make no comment on any of them,
other than having chosen them for inclusion here, and
will join in none of the followup discussions here. The
reader is free to draw his or her own conclusions.
"My take on the foundation for much of the
TM and MMY bashing is that it comes from
folks who believed all of that was their
salvation, but from a superficial perspective-
in other words they would not have to change
much but reap all of the benefits. Then when
that didn't pan out, they now have found
things to bash TM and MMY about, in order to
justify their decision to drop it, and to
belive this same salvation of theirs can be
found elsewhere. Pretty simple really."
"After an exchange of postings it has become
evident that the poster using the name V [TM
critic] is a Freemason, apparently of high rank,
with (1) little or no understanding of TM and
other eastern spiritual practices; and who has
confessed to (2) be on a mission to apparently
sow doubt about the safety of the practices of
i.a. the TM and TM-Sidhi programes."
"Whatever you do, don't play any of these MP3s
[one MP3 of a Leonard Cohen song, sent by a TM
critic] - they contain subliminal Illuminati
brainwashing messages."
"Most of these fellows [TM critics] did not
take the Programme seriously at all, I know
them from Purusha - they were just in it for
the ride. They are fools. The majority of the
profesional TM-criticts here on FFL never
learned TM in the first place."
"Lurkers should be aware that B [TM critic]
is a troll who enjoys inflicting his delusional
fantasy world on this forum, most often for the
purpose of attacking supporters of TM and
misleading readers who aren't well informed
about the TMO."
"Ironically, V [TM critic] says he started
TM when he was 14, no doubt making any type
of meditation he has practiced afterwards more
successful. Rather than honor this essential
step in his spiritual journey, he regularly
scorns it."
[To a TM critic] "You may not have realized it,
but you are dying from literal diarrhea. The
only known cure to this condition is to re-
digest your shiite, hoping that there's is left
some nourishment in the brown stuff you're
chewing on. Doing so shouldnät be a problem -
looking at your postings so far, I give the
impression of having actualyl acquired a taste
for human chocolate."
"There is a coordinated effort to try to
disgrace Maharishi. Several here on FFL is in
this business, seemingly fulltime. They are
working very hard on this. Why ? Because some
structures in a crumbling, capitalistic world
is threathened by the fact that TM actually
allows the person to experience a state beyond
"sin", allows them to grow in their own pace
towards Godhead, regardless of religion. They
fear this very much. Their focus now is currently
on Maharishi. Before this Vivekananda, Yogananda
and Muktananda were targets. Soon their focus
will be on Maitreya. As with the attacs on
Maharishi et. al., their attacs on Maitreya will
fail utterly, and they will be exposed."
"Do you really think that peons get a chance to
see the Dali Lama these days, unless it is a
publicity gimmick? Past a certain size, organi-
zational structure disallows the boss from getting
his hands dirty with the peasants."
"According to L [a regular poster to the forum]
freaks like this P and V [TM critics] might well
be evicted by our Space Brothers to a planet of
lower vibrational value where they will fit in
better than here. Not to mention a few other
outcasts regularily posting on this forum.
L could be right. One can but hope..."
[To a TM critic] "You are a self-confessed mason
with a mission and I think there is a very strong
need for you to come clean regarding what you are
up to - what the end-vision for you work here
really is?"
"Do you guys get paid by the hour or day to do
whatever it is you are doing?"
"This P fellow [TM critic] has one agenda; to
capitalize, in cash, on someone else. He is
typical english lowlife where any thryst with any
famous rockstar or politician is sold to The Sun
for cash. P is a parasite, may he go where he
belongs. He, like the rest of us, will reap what
we sow."
"Yo, P [TM critic]- why don't you pour some gas
over yourself and lighten up?"
"This is what will happen: when the entity residing
inside P [TM critic] leaves the body, that
entity will once again find itself summoned to the
local reincarnation board where it will view a re-run
of its last incarnation, and do so in a light that
will probably be quite different form the way it sees
it now. Thus debriefed, and have recognized any
particular actions it feels it could have done
differently, time has arrived to choose next
incarnation and the candidate is presented with a
number of alternative mostly-scripted "roles" it can
play next time around (each typically having a mix
of so-called good and bad karma, to balance the
overall karmic load of the entity). If, at this board,
it becomes evident that the entity in question has
been into some pretty dark stuff, it may be offered
the opportunity to immediately start to re-balance
this particular karmic debt, perhaps by choosing an
existence as as lab test animal - or whatever."
"Demonic forces outside P's [TM critic] conscious
knowing might use him as a vehicle and tool. Or not.
I have no direct information on this. But it seems
plausible given the bizzare, clouded in intellectual
jargon, nature of his attacs."
"The real problem with P is that has so far been unable
to work up the spine to come out of the closet with who
he is and openly admit his orientation."
"That's certainly *my* problem with P: not his negative
opinions of MMY, but his inability to be straightforward
about where he stands."
"More often than not, it appears that TM supporters
are the ones treated as interlopers intruding into
the world of the TM critics and subjecting *them*
to ideas they don't want to hear."
"To insult a Master of our Age in such a systematic
way as this lowlife existence P does is carmically
troublesome. A fact he sees in his naive existence
to be of no problem. Having no detailed information
about these issues; might I suggest he being reborn
as a hog in Iran ?"
"Forget this fellow, this lowlife, white trash P [TM
critic]. He is a crook. All he wants is to become
famous by writing about famous people. He is without
qualities; he would not survive in a normal society
where none was to trash."
"Yep, he [TM critic] is someone who is only comfortable
in a black and white world. The fanatics of which he
speaks only exist in the comfort of his unenlightened
mind, where he creates them in order to have a false
foundation from which to make sense of an illusionary
"You are not my "bro". You are a simpelton. You do
not even understand the simplest of thoughts."
"This white trash are fulltimers. Fulltimers have
before tried physically to get rid of MMY, be it guns
or bombs. They failed. They will fail in this assult
also. Again and again they are exposed as the
simpleton fools they are."
"So checking is not an individualized method, V ?
[TM critic] Again you expose your silly ignorance.
You are a simple fool, someone I would descripe as
a "little one". V, from where do you get this
energy to attac something which is truly valuable.
Ponder before answering please, though I do not
expect a honest answer I'm afraid."
"Hey, don't kid yourself, big boy. We're just
meditating house holders...no big deal. Average
"Anyone with a spare spine we could give to Mr M?"
"As B [TM critic] knows, there's no such thing as
a representative practitioner of TM."
"The easiest way a case for TM is made on this forum
is by people seeing clearly the results of not
practicing it, Babe."