Well, asyavaamasya, part 1/52?
(too old to reply)
2009-08-28 20:55:48 UTC

RSi Diirghatamas (pitkä pimeys?) mainitaan useiden ekan maNDalan suukta'in
"kirjoittajana". Viimeisin niistä taitaa olla suukta, jota tavataan kutsua
tuttavallisesti nimellä "asyavaamasya", kahden ekan sanan mukaan:

*asya vaamasya* palitasya hotus...

Sen alkulitaniat menee jotenkin tähän tapaan:

catuHSaSTyuttarashatatamaM suuktam | dvipañcaashadRcasyaasya
suuktasyauthyo diirghatamaa RSiH | prathamaadyekacatvaariMshadRcaaM
vishve devaaH | dvicatvaariMshyaaH puurvaardhasya vaak, uttaraardhasya
caapaH | tricatvaariMshyaaH puurvaardhasya shakadhuumaH, uttaraardhasya
ca somaH | catushcatvaariMshyaaH keshinaH (agniH suuryo vaayushca)|
pañcacatvaariMshyaa vaak | SaTcatvaariMshiisaptacatvaariMshyoH suuryaH |
aSTacatvaariMshyaaH saMvatsarakaalacakram | ekonapañcaashyaaH sarasvatii |
pañcaashyaaH saadhyaaH | ekapañcaashyaaH suuryaH parjanyaagnii vaa |
dvipañcaashyaashca sarasvaan suuryo vaa |

Seuraavassa osassa esittelemme runomitat (chandaH)...
2009-08-29 16:55:35 UTC
Post by ecky
RSi Diirghatamas (pitkä pimeys?) mainitaan useiden ekan maNDalan
suukta'in "kirjoittajana". Viimeisin niistä taitaa olla suukta, jota
tavataan kutsua tuttavallisesti nimellä "asyavaamasya", kahden ekan
*asya vaamasya* palitasya hotus...
catuHSaSTyuttarashatatamaM suuktam | dvipañcaashadRcasyaasya
suuktasyauthyo diirghatamaa RSiH | prathamaadyekacatvaariMshadRcaaM
vishve devaaH | dvicatvaariMshyaaH puurvaardhasya vaak, uttaraardhasya
caapaH | tricatvaariMshyaaH puurvaardhasya shakadhuumaH, uttaraardhasya
ca somaH | catushcatvaariMshyaaH keshinaH (agniH suuryo vaayushca)|
pañcacatvaariMshyaa vaak | SaTcatvaariMshiisaptacatvaariMshyoH suuryaH |
aSTacatvaariMshyaaH saMvatsarakaalacakram | ekonapañcaashyaaH sarasvatii
| pañcaashyaaH saadhyaaH | ekapañcaashyaaH suuryaH parjanyaagnii vaa |
dvipañcaashyaashca sarasvaan suuryo vaa |
Seuraavassa osassa esittelemme runomitat (chandaH)...
Seuraavissa säkeissä (säe) on triSTup: 1 - 11, 13 - 14, 16 - 22, 24 - 28,
30 - 35, 37- 40, 43 - 50, 52
Seuraavissa on jagatii: 12, 15, 23, 26, 36, 41
Säkeessä 42 on prastaarapankti
Säkeessä 51 on anuSTup
2009-08-29 20:20:05 UTC
Post by ecky
Post by ecky
RSi Diirghatamas (pitkä pimeys?) mainitaan useiden ekan maNDalan
suukta'in "kirjoittajana". Viimeisin niistä taitaa olla suukta, jota
tavataan kutsua tuttavallisesti nimellä "asyavaamasya", kahden ekan
*asya vaamasya* palitasya hotus...
catuHSaSTyuttarashatatamaM suuktam | dvipañcaashadRcasyaasya
suuktasyauthyo diirghatamaa RSiH | prathamaadyekacatvaariMshadRcaaM
vishve devaaH | dvicatvaariMshyaaH puurvaardhasya vaak, uttaraardhasya
caapaH | tricatvaariMshyaaH puurvaardhasya shakadhuumaH, uttaraardhasya
ca somaH | catushcatvaariMshyaaH keshinaH (agniH suuryo vaayushca)|
pañcacatvaariMshyaa vaak | SaTcatvaariMshiisaptacatvaariMshyoH suuryaH
| aSTacatvaariMshyaaH saMvatsarakaalacakram | ekonapañcaashyaaH
sarasvatii | pañcaashyaaH saadhyaaH | ekapañcaashyaaH suuryaH
parjanyaagnii vaa | dvipañcaashyaashca sarasvaan suuryo vaa |
Seuraavassa osassa esittelemme runomitat (chandaH)...
Seuraavissa säkeissä (säe) on triSTup: 1 - 11, 13 - 14, 16 - 22, 24 -
28, 30 - 35, 37- 40, 43 - 50, 52
Seuraavissa on jagatii: 12, 15, 23, 26, 36, 41 Säkeessä 42 on
Säkeessä 51 on anuSTup
Koko litania on tässä (kenoviivat sun muut osottaa sävelkorkeuden,
vai mikä se ny o? Siis, anudaatta, udaatta ja svarita)

a\`sya vA\`masya\' pali\`tasya\` hotu\`stasya\` bhrAtA\' madhya\`mo a
\`styashna\'H |
tR^i\`tIyo\` bhrAtA\' ghR^i\`tapR^i\'ShTho a\`syAtrA\'pashyaM vi\`shpati
\'M sa\`ptapu\'tram || 1\.164\.01
sa\`pta yu\'~njanti\` ratha\`meka\'chakra\`meko\` ashvo\' vahati sa\`ptanA
\'mA |
tri\`nAbhi\' cha\`krama\`jara\'mana\`rvaM yatre\`mA vishvA\` bhuva\`nAdhi
\' ta\`sthuH || 1\.164\.02
i\`maM ratha\`madhi\` ye sa\`pta ta\`sthuH sa\`ptacha\'kraM sa\`pta va\'ha
\`ntyashvA\'H |
sa\`pta svasA\'ro a\`bhi saM na\'vante\` yatra\` gavA\`M nihi\'tA sa\`pta
nAma\' || 1\.164\.03
ko da\'darsha pratha\`maM jAya\'mAnamastha\`nvanta\`M yada\'na\`sthA bibha
\'rti |
bhUmyA\` asu\`rasR^i\'gA\`tmA kva\' svi\`tko vi\`dvAMsa\`mupa\' gA
\`tpraShTu\'me\`tat || 1\.164\.04
pAka\'H pR^ichChAmi\` mana\`sAvi\'jAnande\`vAnA\'me\`nA nihi\'tA pa\`dAni
\' |
va\`tse ba\`Shkaye.adhi\' sa\`pta tantU\`nvi ta\'tnire ka\`vaya\` ota\`vA
u\' || 1\.164\.05
achi\'kitvA~nchiki\`tuSha\'shchi\`datra\' ka\`vInpR^i\'chChAmi vi\`dmane
\` na vi\`dvAn |
vi yasta\`stambha\` ShaLi\`mA rajA\'Msya\`jasya\' rU\`pe kimapi\' svi
\`deka\'m || 1\.164\.06
i\`ha bra\'vItu\` ya I\'ma\`~Nga vedA\`sya vA\`masya\` nihi\'taM pa\`daM
veH |
shI\`rShNaH kShI\`raM du\'hrate\` gAvo\' asya va\`vriM vasA\'nA uda\`kaM
pa\`dApu\'H || 1\.164\.07
mA\`tA pi\`tara\'mR^i\`ta A ba\'bhAja dhI\`tyagre\` mana\'sA\` saM hi ja
\`gme |
sA bI\'bha\`tsurgarbha\'rasA\` nivi\'ddhA\` nama\'svanta\` idu\'pavA\`kamI
\'yuH || 1\.164\.08
yu\`ktA mA\`tAsI\'ddhu\`ri dakShi\'NAyA\` ati\'ShTha\`dgarbho\' vR^ija
\`nIShva\`ntaH |
amI\'medva\`tso anu\` gAma\'pashyadvishvarU\`pya\'M tri\`Shu yoja\'neShu
|| 1\.164\.09
ti\`sro mA\`tR^IstrInpi\`tR^Inbibhra\`deka\' U\`rdhvasta\'sthau\` nemava
\' glApayanti |
ma\`ntraya\'nte di\`vo a\`muShya\' pR^i\`ShThe vi\'shva\`vida\`M vAcha
\`mavi\'shvaminvAm || 1\.164\.10
dvAda\'shAraM na\`hi tajjarA\'ya\` varva\'rti cha\`kraM pari\` dyAmR^i
\`tasya\' |
A pu\`trA a\'gne mithu\`nAso\` atra\' sa\`pta sha\`tAni\' viMsha\`tishcha
\' tasthuH || 1\.164\.11
pa~ncha\'pAdaM pi\`tara\`M dvAda\'shAkR^itiM di\`va A\'hu\`H pare\` ardhe
\' purI\`ShiNa\'m |
athe\`me a\`nya upa\'re vichakSha\`NaM sa\`ptacha\'kre\` ShaLa\'ra Ahu
\`rarpi\'tam || 1\.164\.12
pa~nchA\'re cha\`kre pa\'ri\`varta\'mAne\` tasmi\`nnA ta\'sthu\`rbhuva
\'nAni\` vishvA\' |
tasya\` nAkSha\'stapyate\` bhUri\'bhAraH sa\`nAde\`va na shI\'ryate\` sanA
\'bhiH || 1\.164\.13
sane\'mi cha\`krama\`jara\`M vi vA\'vR^ita uttA\`nAyA\`M dasha\' yu\`ktA
va\'hanti |
sUrya\'sya\` chakShU\` raja\'sai\`tyAvR^i\'ta\`M tasmi\`nnArpi\'tA\` bhuva
\'nAni\` vishvA\' || 1\.164\.14
sA\`ka\`MjAnA\'M sa\`ptatha\'mAhureka\`jaM ShaLidya\`mA R^iSha\'yo deva
\`jA iti\' |
teShA\'mi\`ShTAni\` vihi\'tAni dhAma\`sha sthA\`tre re\'jante\` vikR^i
\'tAni rUpa\`shaH || 1\.164\.15
striya\'H sa\`tIstA.N u\' me pu\`Msa A\'hu\`H pashya\'dakSha\`NvAnna vi
che\'tada\`ndhaH |
ka\`viryaH pu\`traH sa I\`mA chi\'keta\` yastA vi\'jA\`nAtsa pi\`tuShpi
\`tAsa\'t || 1\.164\.16
a\`vaH pare\'Na pa\`ra e\`nAva\'reNa pa\`dA va\`tsaM bibhra\'tI\` gauruda
\'sthAt |
sA ka\`drIchI\` kaM svi\`dardha\`M parA\'gA\`tkva\' svitsUte na\`hi yU
\`the a\`ntaH || 1\.164\.17
a\`vaH pare\'Na pi\`tara\`M yo a\'syAnu\`veda\' pa\`ra e\`nAva\'reNa |
ka\`vI\`yamA\'na\`H ka i\`ha pra vo\'chadde\`vaM mana\`H kuto\` adhi\`
prajA\'tam || 1\.164\.18
ye a\`rvA~ncha\`stA.N u\` parA\'cha Ahu\`rye parA\'~ncha\`stA.N u\' a
\`rvAcha\' AhuH |
indra\'shcha\` yA cha\`krathu\'H soma\` tAni\' dhu\`rA na yu\`ktA raja
\'so vahanti || 1\.164\.19
dvA su\'pa\`rNA sa\`yujA\` sakhA\'yA samA\`naM vR^i\`kShaM pari\'
ShasvajAte |
tayo\'ra\`nyaH pippa\'laM svA\`dvattyana\'shnanna\`nyo a\`bhi chA
\'kashIti || 1\.164\.20
yatrA\' supa\`rNA a\`mR^ita\'sya bhA\`gamani\'meShaM vi\`dathA\'bhi\`svara
\'nti |
i\`no vishva\'sya\` bhuva\'nasya go\`pAH sa mA\` dhIra\`H pAka\`matrA vi
\'vesha || 1\.164\.21
yasmi\'nvR^i\`kShe ma\`dhvada\'H supa\`rNA ni\'vi\`shante\` suva\'te\`
chAdhi\` vishve\' |
tasyedA\'hu\`H pippa\'laM svA\`dvagre\` tannonna\'sha\`dyaH pi\`tara\`M
na veda\' || 1\.164\.22
yadgA\'ya\`tre adhi\' gAya\`tramAhi\'ta\`M traiShTu\'bhAdvA\` traiShTu
\'bhaM ni\`rata\'kShata |
yadvA\` jaga\`jjaga\`tyAhi\'taM pa\`daM ya ittadvi\`duste a\'mR^ita\`tvamA
\'nashuH || 1\.164\.23
gA\`ya\`treNa\` prati\' mimIte a\`rkama\`rkeNa\` sAma\` traiShTu\'bhena vA
\`kam |
vA\`kena\' vA\`kaM dvi\`padA\` chatu\'ShpadA\`kShare\'Na mimate sa\`pta
vANI\'H || 1\.164\.24
jaga\'tA\` sindhu\'M di\`vya\'stabhAyadrathaMta\`re sUrya\`M parya
\'pashyat |
gA\`ya\`trasya\' sa\`midha\'sti\`sra A\'hu\`stato\' ma\`hnA pra ri\'riche
mahi\`tvA || 1\.164\.25
upa\' hvaye su\`dughA\'M dhe\`nume\`tAM su\`hasto\' go\`dhugu\`ta do
\'hadenAm |
shreShTha\'M sa\`vaM sa\'vi\`tA sA\'viShanno\`.abhI\'ddho gha\`rmastadu\`
Shu pra vo\'cham || 1\.164\.26
hi\`~NkR^i\`Nva\`tI va\'su\`patnI\` vasU\'nAM va\`tsami\`chChantI\` mana
\'sA\`bhyAgA\'t |
du\`hAma\`shvibhyA\`M payo\' a\`ghnyeyaM sA va\'rdhatAM maha\`te saubha
\'gAya || 1\.164\.27
gaura\'mIme\`danu\' va\`tsaM mi\`Shanta\'M mU\`rdhAna\`M hi~N~Na\'kR^iNo
\`nmAta\`vA u\' |
sR^ikvA\'NaM gha\`rmama\`bhi vA\'vashA\`nA mimA\'ti mA\`yuM paya\'te\`
payo\'bhiH || 1\.164\.28
a\`yaM sa shi\'~Nkte\` yena\` gaura\`bhIvR^i\'tA\` mimA\'ti mA\`yuM dhva
\`sanA\`vadhi\' shri\`tA |
sA chi\`ttibhi\`rni hi cha\`kAra\` martya\'M vi\`dyudbhava\'ntI\` prati\'
va\`vrimau\'hata || 1\.164\.29
a\`nachCha\'ye tu\`ragA\'tu jI\`vameja\'ddhru\`vaM madhya\` A pa\`styA
\'nAm |
jI\`vo mR^i\`tasya\' charati sva\`dhAbhi\`rama\'rtyo\` martye\'nA\` sayo
\'niH || 1\.164\.30
apa\'shyaM go\`pAmani\'padyamAna\`mA cha\` parA\' cha pa\`thibhi\`shchara
\'ntam |
sa sa\`dhrIchI\`H sa viShU\'chI\`rvasA\'na\` A va\'rIvarti\` bhuva\'neShva
\`ntaH || 1\.164\.31
ya I\'M cha\`kAra\` na so a\`sya ve\'da\` ya I\'M da\`darsha\` hiru
\`ginnu tasmA\'t |
sa mA\`turyonA\` pari\'vIto a\`ntarba\'hupra\`jA nirR^i\'ti\`mA vi\'vesha
|| 1\.164\.32
dyaurme\' pi\`tA ja\'ni\`tA nAbhi\`ratra\` bandhu\'rme mA\`tA pR^i\'thi
\`vI ma\`hIyam |
u\`ttA\`nayo\'shcha\`mvo\`3\`\'ryoni\'ra\`ntaratrA\' pi\`tA du\'hi
\`turgarbha\`mAdhA\'t || 1\.164\.33
pR^i\`chChAmi\' tvA\` para\`manta\'M pR^ithi\`vyAH pR^i\`chChAmi\` yatra
\` bhuva\'nasya\` nAbhi\'H |
pR^i\`chChAmi\' tvA\` vR^iShNo\` ashva\'sya\` reta\'H pR^i\`chChAmi\' vA
\`chaH pa\'ra\`maM vyo\'ma || 1\.164\.34
i\`yaM vedi\`H paro\` anta\'H pR^ithi\`vyA a\`yaM ya\`j~no bhuva\'nasya\`
nAbhi\'H |
a\`yaM somo\` vR^iShNo\` ashva\'sya\` reto\' bra\`hmAyaM vA\`chaH pa\'ra
\`maM vyo\'ma || 1\.164\.35
sa\`ptArdha\'ga\`rbhA bhuva\'nasya\` reto\` viShNo\'stiShThanti pra\`dishA
\` vidha\'rmaNi |
te dhI\`tibhi\`rmana\'sA\` te vi\'pa\`shchita\'H pari\`bhuva\`H pari\'
bhavanti vi\`shvata\'H || 1\.164\.36
na vi jA\'nAmi\` yadi\'ve\`damasmi\' ni\`NyaH saMna\'ddho\` mana\'sA
charAmi |
ya\`dA mAga\'nprathama\`jA R^i\`tasyAdidvA\`cho a\'shnuve bhA\`gama\`syAH
|| 1\.164\.37
apA\`~NprA~Ne\'ti sva\`dhayA\' gR^ibhI\`to.ama\'rtyo\` martye\'nA\` sayo
\'niH |
tA shashva\'ntA viShU\`chInA\' vi\`yantA\` nya1\`\'nyaM chi\`kyurna ni chi
\'kyura\`nyam || 1\.164\.38
R^i\`cho a\`kShare\' para\`me vyo\'ma\`nyasmi\'nde\`vA adhi\` vishve\'
niShe\`duH |
yastanna veda\` kimR^i\`chA ka\'riShyati\` ya ittadvi\`dusta i\`me samA
\'sate || 1\.164\.39
sU\`ya\`va\`sAdbhaga\'vatI\` hi bhU\`yA atho\' va\`yaM bhaga\'vantaH
syAma |
a\`ddhi tR^iNa\'maghnye vishva\`dAnI\`M piba\' shu\`ddhamu\'da\`kamA
\`chara\'ntI || 1\.164\.40
gau\`rIrmi\'mAya sali\`lAni\` takSha\`tyeka\'padI dvi\`padI\` sA chatu
\'ShpadI |
a\`ShTApa\'dI\` nava\'padI babhU\`vuShI\' sa\`hasrA\'kSharA para\`me vyo
\'man || 1\.164\.41
tasyA\'H samu\`drA adhi\` vi kSha\'ranti\` tena\' jIvanti pra\`disha
\`shchata\'sraH |
tata\'H kSharatya\`kShara\`M tadvishva\`mupa\' jIvati || 1\.164\.42
sha\`ka\`maya\'M dhU\`mamA\`rAda\'pashyaM viShU\`vatA\' pa\`ra e\`nAva
\'reNa |
u\`kShANa\`M pR^ishni\'mapachanta vI\`rAstAni\` dharmA\'Ni pratha\`mAnyA
\'san || 1\.164\.43
traya\'H ke\`shina\' R^itu\`thA vi cha\'kShate saMvatsa\`re va\'pata\` eka
\' eShAm |
vishva\`meko\' a\`bhi cha\'ShTe\` shachI\'bhi\`rdhrAji\`reka\'sya
dadR^ishe\` na rU\`pam || 1\.164\.44
cha\`tvAri\` vAkpari\'mitA pa\`dAni\` tAni\' vidurbrAhma\`NA ye ma\'nI
\`ShiNa\'H |
guhA\` trINi\` nihi\'tA\` ne~Nga\'yanti tu\`rIya\'M vA\`cho ma\'nu\`ShyA
\' vadanti || 1\.164\.45
indra\'M mi\`traM varu\'Nama\`gnimA\'hu\`ratho\' di\`vyaH sa su\'pa\`rNo
ga\`rutmA\'n |
eka\`M sadviprA\' bahu\`dhA va\'dantya\`gniM ya\`maM mA\'ta\`rishvA
\'namAhuH || 1\.164\.46
kR^i\`ShNaM ni\`yAna\`M hara\'yaH supa\`rNA a\`po vasA\'nA\` diva\`mutpa
\'tanti |
ta Ava\'vR^itra\`nsada\'nAdR^i\`tasyAdidghR^i\`tena\' pR^ithi\`vI vyu
\'dyate || 1\.164\.47
dvAda\'sha pra\`dhaya\'shcha\`krameka\`M trINi\` nabhyA\'ni\` ka u\`
tachchi\'keta |
tasmi\'nsA\`kaM tri\'sha\`tA na sha\`~Nkavo\'.arpi\`tAH Sha\`ShTirna cha
\'lAcha\`lAsa\'H || 1\.164\.48
yaste\` stana\'H shasha\`yo yo ma\'yo\`bhUryena\` vishvA\` puShya\'si\`
vAryA\'Ni |
yo ra\'tna\`dhA va\'su\`vidyaH su\`datra\`H sara\'svati\` tami\`ha dhAta
\'ve kaH || 1\.164\.49
ya\`j~nena\' ya\`j~nama\'yajanta de\`vAstAni\` dharmA\'Ni pratha\`mAnyA
\'san |
te ha\` nAka\'M mahi\`mAna\'H sachanta\` yatra\` pUrve\' sA\`dhyAH santi
\' de\`vAH || 1\.164\.50
sa\`mA\`name\`tadu\'da\`kamuchchaityava\` chAha\'bhiH |
bhUmi\'M pa\`rjanyA\` jinva\'nti\` diva\'M jinvantya\`gnaya\'H || 1\.164
di\`vyaM su\'pa\`rNaM vA\'ya\`saM bR^i\`hanta\'ma\`pAM garbha\'M darsha
\`tamoSha\'dhInAm |
a\`bhI\`pa\`to vR^i\`ShTibhi\'sta\`rpaya\'nta\`M sara\'svanta\`mava\'se
johavImi || 1\.164\.52

Sitten sama ilman sävelkorkeuksia siten, että aina viiden säkeistön
jälkeen tulee viisi säkeistöä pada-paaThana:

asya vAmasya palitasya hotustasya bhrAtA madhyamo astyashnaH |
tR^itIyo bhrAtA ghR^itapR^iShTho asyAtrApashyaM vishpatiM saptaputram ||
sapta yu~njanti rathamekachakrameko ashvo vahati saptanAmA |
trinAbhi chakramajaramanarvaM yatremA vishvA bhuvanAdhi tasthuH ||
imaM rathamadhi ye sapta tasthuH saptachakraM sapta vahantyashvAH |
sapta svasAro abhi saM navante yatra gavAM nihitA sapta nAma || 1.164.03
ko dadarsha prathamaM jAyamAnamasthanvantaM yadanasthA bibharti |
bhUmyA asurasR^igAtmA kva svitko vidvAMsamupa gAtpraShTumetat || 1.164.04
pAkaH pR^ichChAmi manasAvijAnandevAnAmenA nihitA padAni |
vatse baShkaye.adhi sapta tantUnvi tatnire kavaya otavA u || 1.164.05

asya | vāmasya | palitasya | hotuḥ | tasya | bhrātā | madhyamaḥ | asti |
aśnaḥ | tṛtīyaḥ | bhrātā | ghṛta-pṛṣṭhaḥ | asya | atra | apasyam |
viśpatim | sapta-putram // RV_1,164.1 //
sapta | yuñjanti | ratham | eka-cakram | ekaḥ | aśvaḥ | vahati | sapta-
nāmā | tr i-nābhi | cakram | ajaram | anarvam | yatra | imā | viśvā |
bhuvanā | adhi | tasthuḥ // RV_1,164.2 //
imam | ratham | adhi | ye | sapta | tasthuḥ | sapta-cakram | sapta |
vahanti | aśvāḥ | sapta | svasāraḥ | abhi | sam | navante | yatra | gavām
| ni-hitā | sapta | nāma // RV_1,164.3 //
kaḥ | dadarśa | prathamam | jāyamānam | asthan-vantam | yat | anasthā |
bibharti | bhūmyāḥ | asuḥ | asṛk | ātmā | kva | svit | kaḥ | vidvāṃsam |
upa | gāt | praṣṭum | etat // RV_1,164.4 //
pākaḥ | pṛcchāmi | manasā | avi-jānan | devānām | enā | ni-hitā | padāni
| vatse | baṣkaye | adhi | sapta | tantūn | vi | tatnire | kavayaḥ |
otavai | oṃ iti // RV_1,164.5 //

achikitvA~nchikituShashchidatra kavInpR^ichChAmi vidmane na vidvAn |
vi yastastambha ShaLimA rajAMsyajasya rUpe kimapi svidekam || 1.164.06
iha bravItu ya Ima~Nga vedAsya vAmasya nihitaM padaM veH |
shIrShNaH kShIraM duhrate gAvo asya vavriM vasAnA udakaM padApuH ||
mAtA pitaramR^ita A babhAja dhItyagre manasA saM hi jagme |
sA bIbhatsurgarbharasA nividdhA namasvanta idupavAkamIyuH || 1.164.08
yuktA mAtAsIddhuri dakShiNAyA atiShThadgarbho vR^ijanIShvantaH |
amImedvatso anu gAmapashyadvishvarUpyaM triShu yojaneShu || 1.164.09
tisro mAtR^IstrInpitR^Inbibhradeka Urdhvastasthau nemava glApayanti |
mantrayante divo amuShya pR^iShThe vishvavidaM vAchamavishvaminvAm ||

acikitvān | cikituṣaḥ | cit | atra | kavīn | pṛcchāmi | vidmane | na |
vidvān | vi | yaḥ | tastambha | ṣaṭ | imā | rajāṃsi | ajasya | rūpe | kim
| api | svit | ekam // RV_1,164.6 //
iha | bravītu | yaḥ | īm | aṅga | veda | asya | vāmasya | ni-hitam |
padam | veri tiveḥ | śīrṣṇaḥ | kṣīram | duhrate | gāvaḥ | asya | vavrim |
vasānāḥ | udakam | padā | apuḥ // RV_1,164.7 //
mātā | pitaram | ṛte | ā | babhāja | dhītī | agre | manasā | sam | hi |
jagme | sā | bībhatsuḥ | garbha-rasā | ni-viddhā | namasvantaḥ | it | upa-
vākam | īyuḥ // RV_1,164.8 //
yuktā | mātā | āsīt | dhuri | dakṣiṇāyāḥ | atiṣṭhat | garbhaḥ | vṛjanīṣu
| antariti | amīmet | vatsaḥ | anu | gām | apaśyat | viśva-rūpyam | triṣu
| yojaneṣu // RV_1,164.9 //
tisraḥ | mātṝḥ | trīn | pitṝn | bibhrat | ekaḥ | ūrdhvaḥ | tasthau | na |
īm | ava | glapayanti | mantrayante | divaḥ | amuṣya | pṛṣṭhe | viśva-
vidam | vācam | aviśva-minvām // RV_1,164.10 //

dvAdashAraM nahi tajjarAya varvarti chakraM pari dyAmR^itasya |
A putrA agne mithunAso atra sapta shatAni viMshatishcha tasthuH ||
pa~nchapAdaM pitaraM dvAdashAkR^itiM diva AhuH pare ardhe purIShiNam |
atheme anya upare vichakShaNaM saptachakre ShaLara Ahurarpitam || 1.164.12
pa~nchAre chakre parivartamAne tasminnA tasthurbhuvanAni vishvA |
tasya nAkShastapyate bhUribhAraH sanAdeva na shIryate sanAbhiH || 1.164.13
sanemi chakramajaraM vi vAvR^ita uttAnAyAM dasha yuktA vahanti |
sUryasya chakShU rajasaityAvR^itaM tasminnArpitA bhuvanAni vishvA ||
sAkaMjAnAM saptathamAhurekajaM ShaLidyamA R^iShayo devajA iti |
teShAmiShTAni vihitAni dhAmasha sthAtre rejante vikR^itAni rUpashaH ||

dvādaśa-aram | nahi | tat | jarāya | varvarti | cakram | pari | dyām |
ṛtasya | ā | putrāḥ | agne | mithunāsaḥ | atra | sapta | śatāni |
viṃśatiḥ | ca | tasthuḥ // RV_1,164.11 //
pañca-pādam | pitaram | dvādaśa-ākṛtim | divaḥ | āhuḥ | pare | ardhe |
purīṣiṇam | atha | ime | anye | upare | vi-cakṣaṇam | sapta-cakre | ṣaṭ-
are | āhuḥ | arpitam // RV_1,164.12 //
pañca-are | cakre | pari-vartamāne | tasmin | ā | tasthuḥ | bhuvanāni |
viśvā | tasya | na | akṣaḥ | tapyate | bhūri-bhāraḥ | sanāt | eva | na |
śīryate | sa-nābhiḥ // RV_1,164.13 //
sa-nemi | cakram | ajaram | vi | vavṛte | uttānāyām | daśa | yuktāḥ |
vahanti | sūryasya | cakṣiḥ | rajasā | eti | āvṛtam | tasmin | ārpitā |
bhuvanāni | viśvā // RV_1,164.14 //
sākam-jānām | saptatham | āhuḥ | eka-jam | ṣaṭ | it | yamāḥ | ṛṣayaḥ |
deva-jāḥ | iti | teṣām | iṣṭāni | vi-hitāni | dhāma-śaḥ sthātre | rejante
| vi-kṛtāni | rūpa-śaḥ // RV_1,164.15 //

striyaH satIstA.N u me puMsa AhuH pashyadakShaNvAnna vi chetadandhaH |
kaviryaH putraH sa ImA chiketa yastA vijAnAtsa pituShpitAsat || 1.164.16
avaH pareNa para enAvareNa padA vatsaM bibhratI gaurudasthAt |
sA kadrIchI kaM svidardhaM parAgAtkva svitsUte nahi yUthe antaH ||
avaH pareNa pitaraM yo asyAnuveda para enAvareNa |
kavIyamAnaH ka iha pra vochaddevaM manaH kuto adhi prajAtam || 1.164.18
ye arvA~nchastA.N u parAcha Ahurye parA~nchastA.N u arvAcha AhuH |
indrashcha yA chakrathuH soma tAni dhurA na yuktA rajaso vahanti ||
dvA suparNA sayujA sakhAyA samAnaM vR^ikShaM pari ShasvajAte |
tayoranyaH pippalaM svAdvattyanashnannanyo abhi chAkashIti || 1.164.20

striyaḥ | satīḥ | tān | oṃ iti | me | puṃsaḥ | āāhuḥ | paśyat | akṣaṇ-vān
| na | vi | cetat | andhaḥ | kaviḥ | yaḥ | putraḥ | saḥ | īm | ā | ciketa
| yaḥ | tā | vi-jānāt | saḥ | pituḥ | pitā | asat // RV_1,164.16 //
avaḥ | pareṇa | paraḥ | enā | avareṇa | padā | vatsam | bibhratī | gauḥ |
ut | asthāt | sā | kadrīcī | kam | svit | ardham | parā | agāt | kva |
svit | sūte | nahi | yūthe | antari ti // RV_1,164.17 //
avaḥ | pareṇa | pitaram | yaḥ | asya | anu-veda | paraḥ | enā | avareṇa |
kavi-yamānaḥ | kaḥ | iha | pra | vocat | devam | manaḥ | kutaḥ | adhi |
pra-jātam // RV_1,164.18 //
ye | arvāñcaḥ | tān | oṃ iti | parācaḥ | āhuḥ | ye | parāñcaḥ | tān | oṃ
iti | arvācaḥ | āhuḥ | indraḥ | ca | yā | cakrathuḥ | soma | tāni | dhurā
| na | yuktāḥ | rajasaḥ | vahanti // RV_1,164.19 //
dvā | su-parṇā | sa-yujā | sakhāyā | samanam | vṛkṣam | pari |
sasvajāteiti | tayoḥ | anyaḥ | pippalam | svādu | atti | anaśnan | anyaḥ
| abhi | cākaśīti // RV_1,164.20 //

yatrA suparNA amR^itasya bhAgamanimeShaM vidathAbhisvaranti |
ino vishvasya bhuvanasya gopAH sa mA dhIraH pAkamatrA vivesha || 1.164.21
yasminvR^ikShe madhvadaH suparNA nivishante suvate chAdhi vishve |
tasyedAhuH pippalaM svAdvagre tannonnashadyaH pitaraM na veda || 1.164.22
yadgAyatre adhi gAyatramAhitaM traiShTubhAdvA traiShTubhaM niratakShata |
yadvA jagajjagatyAhitaM padaM ya ittadviduste amR^itatvamAnashuH ||
gAyatreNa prati mimIte arkamarkeNa sAma traiShTubhena vAkam |
vAkena vAkaM dvipadA chatuShpadAkShareNa mimate sapta vANIH || 1.164.24
jagatA sindhuM divyastabhAyadrathaMtare sUryaM paryapashyat |
gAyatrasya samidhastisra Ahustato mahnA pra ririche mahitvA || 1.164.25

yatra | su-parṇā | amṛtasya | bhāgam | animeṣam | vidathā | abhi-svaranti
| inaḥ | viśvasya | bhuvanasya | gopāḥ | saḥ | mā | dhīraḥ | pākam | atra
| ā | viveśa // RV_1,164.21 //
yasmin | vṛkṣe | madhu-adaḥ | su-parṇāḥ | ni-viśante | suvate | ca | adhi
| viśve | tasya | it | āhuḥ | pippalam | svādu | agre | tat | na | ut |
naśat | yaḥ | pitaram | na | veda // RV_1,164.22 //
yat | gāyatre | adhi | gāyatram | āhitam | traistubhāt | vā | traistubham
| niḥ-atakṣata | yat | vā | jagat | jagati | āhitam | padam | ye | it |
tat | viduḥ | te | amṛta-tvam | ānaśuḥ // RV_1,164.23 //
gāyatreṇa | prati | mimīte | arkam | arkeṇa | sāma | traistubhena | vākam
| vākena | vākam | dvi-padā | catuḥ-padā | akṣareṇa | mimate | sapta |
vāṇīḥ // RV_1,164.24 //
jagatā | sindhum | divi | astabhāyat | ratham-tare | sūryam | pari |
apaśyat | gāyatrasya | sam-idhaḥ | tisraḥ | āhuḥ | tataḥ | mahrā | pra |
ririce | mahi-tvā // RV_1,164.25 //

upa hvaye sudughAM dhenumetAM suhasto godhuguta dohadenAm |
shreShThaM savaM savitA sAviShanno.abhIddho gharmastadu Shu pra vocham ||
hi~NkR^iNvatI vasupatnI vasUnAM vatsamichChantI manasAbhyAgAt |
duhAmashvibhyAM payo aghnyeyaM sA vardhatAM mahate saubhagAya || 1.164.27
gauramImedanu vatsaM miShantaM mUrdhAnaM hi~N~NakR^iNonmAtavA u |
sR^ikvANaM gharmamabhi vAvashAnA mimAti mAyuM payate payobhiH || 1.164.28
ayaM sa shi~Nkte yena gaurabhIvR^itA mimAti mAyuM dhvasanAvadhi shritA |
sA chittibhirni hi chakAra martyaM vidyudbhavantI prati vavrimauhata ||
anachChaye turagAtu jIvamejaddhruvaM madhya A pastyAnAm |
jIvo mR^itasya charati svadhAbhiramartyo martyenA sayoniH || 1.164.30

upa | hvaye | su-dughām | dhenum | etām | su-hastaḥ | go--dhuk | uta |
dohat | enām | śreṣṭham | savam | savitā | sāviṣat | naḥ | abhi-iddhaḥ |
gharmaḥ | tat | oṃ iti | su | pra | vocam // RV_1,164.26 //
hiṅ-kṛṇvatī | vasu-patnī | vasūnām | vatsam | icchantī | manasā | abhi |
ā | agāt | duhām | aśvi-bhyām | payaḥ | aghnyā | iyam | sā | vardhatām |
mahate | saubhagāya // RV_1,164.27 //
gauḥ | amīmet | anu | vatsam | miṣantam | mūrdhānam | hiṅ | akṛṇot |
mātavai | oṃ iti | sṛkvaaṇam | gharmam | abhi | vāvaśānā | mimāti | māyum
| payate | payaḥ-bhiḥ // RV_1,164.28 //
ayam | saḥ | śiṅkte | yena | gauḥ | abhi-vṛṭā | mimāti | māyum |
dhvasanau | adhi | śritā | sā | citti-bhiḥ | ni | hi | cakāra | martyam |
vi-dyut | bhavantī | prati | vavrim | auhata // RV_1,164.29 //
anat | śaye | tura-gātu | jīvam | ejat | dhruvam | madhye | ā | pastyānām
| jīvaḥ | mṛtasya | carati | svadhābhiḥ | amartyaḥ | martyena | sa-
yoniḥ // RV_1,164.30 //

apashyaM gopAmanipadyamAnamA cha parA cha pathibhishcharantam |
sa sadhrIchIH sa viShUchIrvasAna A varIvarti bhuvaneShvantaH || 1.164.31
ya IM chakAra na so asya veda ya IM dadarsha hiruginnu tasmAt |
sa mAturyonA parivIto antarbahuprajA nirR^itimA vivesha || 1.164.32
dyaurme pitA janitA nAbhiratra bandhurme mAtA pR^ithivI mahIyam |
uttAnayoshchamvo3ryonirantaratrA pitA duhiturgarbhamAdhAt || 1.164.33
pR^ichChAmi tvA paramantaM pR^ithivyAH pR^ichChAmi yatra bhuvanasya
nAbhiH |
pR^ichChAmi tvA vR^iShNo ashvasya retaH pR^ichChAmi vAchaH paramaM vyoma
|| 1.164.34
iyaM vediH paro antaH pR^ithivyA ayaM yaj~no bhuvanasya nAbhiH |
ayaM somo vR^iShNo ashvasya reto brahmAyaM vAchaH paramaM vyoma ||

apaśyam | gopām | ani-padyamānam | ā | ca | parā | ca | pathi-bhiḥ |
carantam | saḥ | sadhrīcīḥ | saḥ | viṣūcīḥ | vasānaḥ | ā | varīvarti |
bhuvaneṣu | antariti // RV_1,164.31 //
yaḥ | īm | cakāra | na | saḥ | asya | veda | yaḥ | īm | dadarśa | hiruk |
it | nu | tasmāt | saḥ | mātuḥ | yonā | pari-vītaḥ | antaḥ | bahu-prajāḥ
| niḥ-ṛtim | ā | viveśa // RV_1,164.32 //
dyauḥ | me | pitā | janitā | nābhiḥ | atra | bandhuḥ | me | mātā |
pṛthivī | mahī | iyam | uttānayoḥ | camvoḥ | yoniḥ | antaḥ | atra | pitā
| duhituḥ | garbham | ā | adhāt // RV_1,164.33 //
pṛcchāmi | tvā | param | antam | pṛthivyāḥ | pṛcchāmi | yatra |
bhuvanasya | nābhiḥ | pṛcchāmi | tvā | vṛṣṇaḥ | aśvasya | retaḥ |
pṛcchāmi | vācaḥ | paramam | vi-oma // RV_1,164.34 //
iyam | vediḥ | paraḥ | antaḥ | pṛthivyāḥ | ayam | yajñaḥ | bhuvanasya |
nābhiḥ | ayam | somaḥ | vṛṣṇaḥ | aśvasya | retaḥ | brahmā | ayam | vācaḥ
| paramam | v i-oma // RV_1,164.35 //

saptArdhagarbhA bhuvanasya reto viShNostiShThanti pradishA vidharmaNi |
te dhItibhirmanasA te vipashchitaH paribhuvaH pari bhavanti vishvataH ||
na vi jAnAmi yadivedamasmi niNyaH saMnaddho manasA charAmi |
yadA mAganprathamajA R^itasyAdidvAcho ashnuve bhAgamasyAH || 1.164.37
apA~NprA~Neti svadhayA gR^ibhIto.amartyo martyenA sayoniH |
tA shashvantA viShUchInA viyantA nya1nyaM chikyurna ni chikyuranyam ||
R^icho akShare parame vyomanyasmindevA adhi vishve niSheduH |
yastanna veda kimR^ichA kariShyati ya ittadvidusta ime samAsate ||
sUyavasAdbhagavatI hi bhUyA atho vayaM bhagavantaH syAma |
addhi tR^iNamaghnye vishvadAnIM piba shuddhamudakamAcharantI || 1.164.40

sapta | ardha-garbhāḥ | bhuvanasya | retaḥ | viṣṇoḥ | tiṣṭhanti | pra-
diśā | vi-dharmaṇi | te | dhīti-bhiḥ | manasā | te | vipaḥ-citaḥ | pari-
bhuvaḥ | pari | bhavanti | viśvataḥ // RV_1,164.36 //
na | vi | jānāmi | yat-iva | idam | asmi | niṇyaḥ | sam-naddhaḥ | manasā
| carāmi | yadā | mā | ā | agan | prathama-jāḥ | ṛtasya | āt | it | vācaḥ
| aśnuve | bhāgam | asyāḥ // RV_1,164.37 //
apāṅ | prāṅ | eti | svadhayā | gṛbhītaḥ | amartyaḥ | martyena | sa-yoniḥ
| tā | śaśvantā | viṣūcīnā | vi-yantā | ni | anyam | cikyuḥ | na | ni |
cikyuḥ | anyam // RV_1,164.38 //
ṛcaḥ | akṣare | parame | vi-oman | yasmin | devāḥ | adhi | viśve | ni-
seduḥ | yaḥ | tat | na | veda | kim | ṛcā | kariṣyati | ye | it | tat |
viduḥ | te | ime | sam | āsate // RV_1,164.39 //
suyavasa-at | bhaga-vatī | hi | bhūyāḥ | atho iti | vayam | bhaga-vantaḥ
| syāma | addhi | tṛṇam | aghnye | viśva-dānīm | piba | śuddham | udakam
| ācarantī // RV_1,164.40 //

gaurIrmimAya salilAni takShatyekapadI dvipadI sA chatuShpadI |
aShTApadI navapadI babhUvuShI sahasrAkSharA parame vyoman || 1.164.41
tasyAH samudrA adhi vi kSharanti tena jIvanti pradishashchatasraH |
tataH kSharatyakSharaM tadvishvamupa jIvati || 1.164.42
shakamayaM dhUmamArAdapashyaM viShUvatA para enAvareNa |
ukShANaM pR^ishnimapachanta vIrAstAni dharmANi prathamAnyAsan || 1.164.43
trayaH keshina R^ituthA vi chakShate saMvatsare vapata eka eShAm |
vishvameko abhi chaShTe shachIbhirdhrAjirekasya dadR^ishe na rUpam ||
chatvAri vAkparimitA padAni tAni vidurbrAhmaNA ye manIShiNaH |
guhA trINi nihitA ne~Ngayanti turIyaM vAcho manuShyA vadanti || 1.164.45
indraM mitraM varuNamagnimAhuratho divyaH sa suparNo garutmAn |
ekaM sadviprA bahudhA vadantyagniM yamaM mAtarishvAnamAhuH || 1.164.46

gaurīḥ | mimāya | salilāni | takṣatī | eka-padī | dvi-padī | sā | catuḥ-
padī | aṣṭāpadī | nava-padī | babhūvuṣī | sahasra-akṣarā | parame | vi-
oman // RV_1,164.41 //
tasyāḥ | samudrāḥ | adhi | vi | kṣaranti | tena | jīvanti | pra-diśaḥ |
catasraḥ | tataḥ | kṣarati | akṣaram | tat | viśvam | upa | jīvati //
RV_1,164.42 //
śaka-mayam | dhūmam | ārāt | apaśyam | viṣu-vatā | paraḥ | enā | avareṇa
| ukṣāṇam | pṛśnim | apacanta | vīrāḥ | tāni | dharmāṇi | prathamāni |
āsan // RV_1,164.43 //
trayaḥ | keśinaḥ | ṛtu-thā | vi | cakṣate | saṃvatsare | vapate | ekaḥ |
eṣām | viśvam | ekaḥ | abhi | caṣṭe | śacībhiḥ | dhrājiḥ | ekasya |
dadṛśe | na | rūpam // RV_1,164.44 //
catvāri | vāk | pari-mitā | padāni | tāni | viduḥ | brāhmaṇāḥ | ye |
manīṣiṇaḥ | guhā | trīṇi | ni-hitā | na | iṅgayanti | turīyam | vācaḥ |
manuṣyāḥ | vadanti // RV_1,164.45 //
indram | mitram | varuṇam | agnim | āhuḥ | atho iti | divyaḥ | saḥ | su-
parṇaḥ | garutmān | ekam | sat | viprāḥ | bahu-dhā | vadanti | agnim |
yamam | mātariśvānam | āhuḥ // RV_1,164.46 //

kR^iShNaM niyAnaM harayaH suparNA apo vasAnA divamutpatanti |
ta AvavR^itransadanAdR^itasyAdidghR^itena pR^ithivI vyudyate || 1.164.47
dvAdasha pradhayashchakramekaM trINi nabhyAni ka u tachchiketa |
tasminsAkaM trishatA na sha~Nkavo.arpitAH ShaShTirna chalAchalAsaH ||
yaste stanaH shashayo yo mayobhUryena vishvA puShyasi vAryANi |
yo ratnadhA vasuvidyaH sudatraH sarasvati tamiha dhAtave kaH || 1.164.49
yaj~nena yaj~namayajanta devAstAni dharmANi prathamAnyAsan |
te ha nAkaM mahimAnaH sachanta yatra pUrve sAdhyAH santi devAH || 1.164.50
samAnametadudakamuchchaityava chAhabhiH |
bhUmiM parjanyA jinvanti divaM jinvantyagnayaH || 1.164.51
divyaM suparNaM vAyasaM bR^ihantamapAM garbhaM darshatamoShadhInAm |
abhIpato vR^iShTibhistarpayantaM sarasvantamavase johavImi || 1.164.52

kṛṣṇam | ni-yānam | harayaḥ | su-parṇāḥ | apaḥ | vasānāḥ | divam | ut |
patanti | te | ā | avavṛtran | sadanāt | ṛtasya | āt | it | ghṛtena |
pṛthivī | vi | udyate // RV_1,164.47 //
dvādaśa | pra-dhayaḥ | cakram | ekam | trīṇi | nabhyāni | kaḥ | oṃ
iti | tat | ciketa | tasmin | sākam | tri-śatāḥ | na | śaṅkavaḥ | arpitāḥ
| ṣaṣṭiḥ | na | calācalāsaḥ // RV_1,164.48 //
yaḥ | te | stanaḥ ḥ śaśayaḥ | yaḥ | mayaḥ-bhūḥ | yena | viśvā | puṣyasi |
vāryāṇi | yaḥ | ratna-dhāḥ | vasu-vit | yaḥ | su-datraḥ | sarasvati | tam
| iha | dhātave | karitikaḥ // RV_1,164.49 //
yajñena | yajñam | ayajanta | devāḥ | tāni | dharmāṇi | prathamāni | āsan
| te | ha | nākam | mahimānaḥ | sacanta | yatra | pūrve | sādhyāḥ | santi
| devāḥ // RV_1,164.50 //
samānam | etat | udakam | ut | ca | eti | ava | ca | aha-bhiḥ | bhūmim |
parjanyāḥ | j invanti | divam | jinvanti | agnayaḥ // RV_1,164.51 //
divyam | su-parṇam | vāyasam | bṛhantam | apām | garbham | darśatam |
oṣadhīnām | abhīpataḥ | vṛṣṭi-bhiḥ | tarpayantam | sarasvantam | avase |
johavīm i // RV_1,164.52 //
2009-08-30 09:37:03 UTC
Griffith'in Rafun englannin kiälinen kiännös:

1. OF this benignant Priest, with eld grey-coloured, the brother midmost
of the three is lightning.
The third is he whose back with oil is sprinkled. Here I behold the Chief
with seven male children.
2 Seven to the one-wheeled chariot yoke the Courser; bearing seven names
the single Courser draws it.
Three-naved the wheel is, sound and undecaying, whereon are resting all
these worlds of being.
3 The seven who on the seven-wheeled car are mounted have horses, seven
in tale, who draw them onward.
Seven Sisters utter songs of praise together, in whom the names of the
seven Cows are treasured.
4 Who hath beheld him as he sprang to being, seen how the boneless One
supports the bony?
Where is the blood of earth, the life, the spirit? Who may approach the
man who knows, to ask it?
5 Unripe in mind, in spirit undiscerning, I ask of these the Gods’
established places;
For up above the yearling Calf the sages, to form a web, their own seven
threads have woven.
6 I ask, unknowing, those who know, the sages, as one all ignorant for
sake of knowledge,
What was that ONE who in the Unborn's image hath stablished and fixed
firm these worlds' six regions.
7 Let him who knoweth presently declare it, this lovely Bird's securely
founded station.
Forth from his head the Cows draw milk, and, wearing his vesture, with
their foot have drunk the water.
8 The Mother gave the Sire his share of Order: with thought, at first,
she wedded him in spirit.
She, the coy Dame, was filled with dew prolific: with adoration men
approached to praise her.
9 Yoked was the Mother to the boon Cow's car-pole: in the dank rows of
cloud the Infant rested.
Then the Calf lowed, and looked upon the Mother, the Cow who wears all
shapes in three directions.
10 Bearing three Mothers and three Fathers, single he stood erect: they
never make him weary.
There on the pitch of heaven they speak together in speech all-knowing
but not all-impelling.
11 Formed with twelve spokes, by length of time, unweakened, rolls round
the heaven this wheel of during Order.
Herein established, joined in pairs together, seven hundred Sons and
twenty stand, O Agni.
12 They call him in the farther half of heaven the Sire five-footed, of
twelve forms, wealthy in watery store.
These others say that he, God with far-seeing eyes, is mounted on the
lower seven-wheeled, six-spoked car.
13 Upon this five-spoked wheel revolving ever all living creatures rest
and are dependent.
Its axle, heavy-laden, is not heated: the nave from ancient time remains
14 The wheel revolves, unwasting, with its felly: ten draw it, yoked to
the far-stretching car-pole.
The Sun's eye moves encompassed by the region: on him dependent rest all
living creatures.
15 Of the co-born they call the seventh single-born; the six twin pairs
are called Ṛṣis, Children of Gods.
Their good gifts sought of men are ranged in order due, and various in
their form move for the Lord who guides.
16 They told me these were males, though truly females: he who hath eyes
sees this, the blind discerns not.
The son who is a sage hath comprehended: who knows this rightly is his
father's father.
17 Beneath the upper realm, above this lower, bearing her calf at foot
the Cow hath risen.
Witherward, to what place hath she departed? Where calves she? Not amid
this herd of cattle.
18 Who, that the father of this Calf discerneth beneath the upper realm,
above the lower,
Showing himself a sage, may here declare it? Whence hath the Godlike
spirit had its rising?
19 Those that come hitherward they call departing, those that depart they
call directed hither.
And what so ye have made, Indra and Soma, steeds bear as ’twere yoked to
the region's car-pole.
20 Two Birds with fair wings, knit with bonds of friendship, in the same
sheltering tree have found a refuge.
One of the twain eats the sweet Fig-tree's fruitage; the other eating not
regardeth only.
21 Where those fine Birds hymn ceaselessly their portion of life eternal,
and the sacred synods,
There is the Universe's mighty Keeper, who, wise, hath entered into me
the simple.
22 The, tree whereon the fine Birds eat the sweetness, where they all
rest and procreate their offspring,—
Upon its top they say the fig is luscious: none gaineth it who knoweth
not the Father.
23 How on the Gāyatrī the Gāyatrī was based, how from the Triṣṭup they
fashioned the Triṣṭup forth,
How on the Jagatī was based the Jagatī,—they who know this have won
themselves immortal life.
24 With Gāyatrī he measures out the praise-song, Sāma with praise-song,
triplet with the Triṣṭup.
The triplet with the two or four-foot measure, and with the syllable they
form seven metres.
25 With Jagatī the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the
Rathantara Sāman.
Gāyatrī hath, they say, three brands for kindling: hence it excels in
majesty and vigour.
26 I invocate the milch-cow good for milking so that the milker, deft of
hand, may drain her.
May Savitar give goodliest stimulation. The caldron is made hot; I will
proclaim it.
27 She, lady of all treasure, is come hither yearning in spirit for her
calf and lowing.
May this cow yield her milk for both the Aśvins, and may she prosper to
our high advantage.
28 The cow hath lowed after her blinking youngling; she licks his
forehead, as she lows, to form it.
His mouth she fondly calls to her warm udder, and suckles him with milk
while gently lowing.
29 He also snorts, by whom encompassed round the Cow laws as she clings
unto the shedder of the rain.
She with her shrilling cries hath humbled mortal man, and, turned to
lightning, hath stripped off her covering robe.
30 That which hath breath and speed and life and motion lies firmly
stablished in the midst of houses.
Living, by offerings to the Dead he moveth Immortal One, the brother of
the mortal.
31 I saw the Herdsman, him who never stumbles, approaching by his
pathways and departing.
He, clothed with gathered and diffusive splendour, within the worlds
continually travels.
32 He who hath made him cloth not comprehend him: from him who saw him
surely is he hidden.
He, yet enveloped in his Mother's bosom, source of much life, hath sunk
into destruction.
33 Dyaus is my Father, my begetter: kinship is here. This great earth is
my kin and Mother.
Between the wide-spread world-halves is the birth-place: the Father laid
the Daughter's germ within it.
34 I ask thee of the earth's extremest limit, where is the centre of the
world, I ask thee.
I ask thee of the Stallion's seed prolific, I ask of highest heaven where
Speech abideth.
35 This altar is the earth's extremest limit; this sacrifice of ours is
the world's centre.
The Stallion's seed prolific is the Soma; this Brahman highest heaven
where Speech abideth.
36 Seven germs unripened yet are heaven's prolific seed: their functions
they maintain by Viṣṇu's ordinance.
Endued with wisdom through intelligence and thought, they compass us
about present on every side.
37 What thing I truly am I know not clearly: mysterious, fettered in my
mind I wander.
When the first-born of holy Law approached me, then of this speech I
first obtain a portion.
38 Back, forward goes he, grasped by strength inherent, the Immortal born
the brother of the mortal
Ceaseless they move in opposite directions: men mark the one, and fail to
mark the other.
39 Upon what syllable of holy praise-song, as twere their highest heaven,
the Gods repose them,—
Who knows not this, what will he do with praise-song? But they who know
it well sit here assembled.
40 Fortunate mayst thou be with goodly pasture, and may we also be
exceeding wealthy.
Feed on the grass, O Cow, at every season, and coming hitherward drink
limpid water.
41 Forming the water-floods, the buffalo hath lowed, one-footed or two-
footed or four-footed, she,
Who hath become eight-footed or hath got nine feet, the thousand-
syllabled in the sublimest heaven.
42 From her descend in streams the seas of water; thereby the world's
four regions have their being,
Thence flows the imperishable flood and thence the universe hath life.
43 I saw from far away the smoke of fuel with spires that rose on high
o’er that beneath it.
The Mighty Men have dressed the spotted bullock. These were the customs
in the days aforetime,
44 Three with long tresses show in ordered season. One of them sheareth
when the year is ended.
One with his powers the universe regardeth: Of one, the sweep is seen,
but his figure.
45 Speech hath been measured out in four divisions, the Brahmans who have
understanding know them.
Three kept in close concealment cause no motion; of speech, men speak
only the fourth division.
46 They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-
winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama,
47 Dark the descent: the birds are golden-coloured; up to the heaven they
fly robed in the waters.
Again descend they from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened
with their fatness.
48 Twelve are the fellies, and the wheel is single; three are the naves.
What man hath understood it?
Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty, which in nowise
can be loosened.
49 That breast of thine exhaustless, spring of pleasure, wherewith thou
feedest all things that are choicest,
Wealth-giver, treasure. finder, free bestower,—bring that, Sarasvatī,
that we may drain it.
50 By means of sacrifice the Gods accomplished their sacrifice: these
were the earliest ordinances.
These Mighty Ones attained the height of heaven, there where the Sādhyas,
Gods of old, are dwelling.
51 Uniform, with the passing days, this water mounts and fails again.
The tempest-clouds give life to earth, and fires re-animate the heaven.
52 The Bird Celestial, vast with noble pinion, the lovely germ of plants,
the germ of waters,
Him who delighteth us with rain in season, Sarasvān I invoke that he may
help us.

Next: HYMN CLXV. Indra. Maruts.
2009-09-22 18:51:10 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

iyaM vediH paro antaH pR^ithivyA ayaM yaj~no bhuvanasya nAbhiH |
ayaM somo vR^iShNo ashvasya reto brahmAyaM vAchaH paramaM vyoma ||

iyam | vediḥ | paraḥ | antaḥ | pṛthivyāḥ | ayam | yajñaḥ | bhuvanasya |
nābhiḥ | ayam | somaḥ | vṛṣṇaḥ | aśvasya | retaḥ | brahmā | ayam | vācaḥ
| paramam | vi-oma // RV_1,164.35 //
Post by ecky
35 This altar is the earth's extremest limit; this sacrifice of ours is
the world's centre.
The Stallion's seed prolific is the Soma; this Brahman highest heaven
where Speech abideth.
2009-08-30 10:02:48 UTC
asya vAmasya palitasya hotustasya bhrAtA madhyamo astyashnaH | tR^itIyo
bhrAtA ghR^itapR^iShTho asyAtrApashyaM vishpatiM saptaputram || 1.164.01
asya | vāmasya | palitasya | hotuḥ | tasya | bhrātā | madhyamaḥ | asti |
aśnaḥ | tṛtīyaḥ | bhrātā | ghṛta-pṛṣṭhaḥ | asya | atra | apasyam |
viśpatim | sapta-putram // RV_1,164.1
1. OF this benignant Priest, with eld grey-coloured, the brother midmost
of the three is lightning.
The third is he whose back with oil is sprinkled. Here I behold the Chief
with seven male children.

asya | vāmasya | palitasya | hotuḥ | tasya | bhrātā | madhyamaḥ | asti |
aśnaḥ | tṛtīyaḥ | bhrātā | ghṛta-pṛṣṭhaḥ | asya | atra | apasyam |
viśpatim | sapta-putram // RV_1,164.1

asya -- of this (yks. gen: iyam?)
vaamasya -- (of) benignant (yks. gen: vaama)
palitasya -- (of) grey-coloured
hotuH -- (of) priest
tasya -- his (yks. gen: saH?)
bhraataa -- brother
madhyamaH -- midmost
asti -- is
ashnaH -- lightning???
tRtiiyaH -- third
ghRta-pRSThaH -- "ghee-sprikled"
atra -- here
apashyam -- I behold (beheld?? -- seems like some past tense form...)
vishpatim -- (yks. akk:) "chief'im"; cf. him, whom, them
sapta-putram -- (yks. akk.) "seven-son_ned'em"
2009-08-31 20:11:27 UTC
sapta yu~njanti ratham ekachakram eko ashvo vahati saptanAmA | trinAbhi
chakramajaramanarvaM yatremA vishvA bhuvanAdhi tasthuH || 1.164.02

sapta | yuñjanti | ratham |eka-cakram | ekaḥ | aśvaḥ | vahati | sapta-
nāmā | tr i-nābhi | cakram |ajaram | anarvam | yatra | imā | viśvā |
bhuvanā | adhi | tasthuḥ //

2 Seven to the one-wheeled chariot yoke the Courser; bearing seven names
the single Courser draws it.
Three-naved the wheel is, sound and undecaying, whereon are resting all
these worlds of being.

sapta -- seven
yuñjanti -- (they) yoke
ratham -- chariot (yks. akk: "chariot'im"; cf. him, them, whom)
eka-cakram -- one-wheel(ed) (yks.akk: "one-wheel(ed)'im")
ekaH -- one
ashvaH -- horse
vahati -- draws (it)
sapta-naamaa -- seven-name(d): bearing seven names
tri-naabhi -- three-naved
cakram -- wheel
ajaram -- undecaying
anarva -- sound(??; Monier-Williams: irresistible)
yatra -- whereon
imaa vishvaa -- these all
bhuvanaa (worlds of) being??
adhi tasthuH -- (they) are resting
2009-09-02 20:36:56 UTC
Post by ecky
imaM rathamadhi ye sapta tasthuH saptachakraM sapta vahantyashvAH |
sapta svasAro abhi saM navante yatra gavAM nihitA sapta nAma || 1.164.03
imam | ratham | adhi | ye | sapta | tasthuḥ | sapta-cakram
Post by ecky
| sapta | vahanti | aśvāḥ | sapta | svasāraḥ | abhi | sam | navante |
yatra | gavām | ni-hitā | sapta | nāma
3 The seven who on the seven-wheeled car are mounted have horses, seven in
tale, who draw them onward.
Seven Sisters utter songs of praise together, in whom the names of the
seven Cows are treasured.
2009-09-02 20:50:41 UTC
Post by ecky
Post by ecky
imaM rathamadhi ye sapta tasthuH saptachakraM sapta vahantyashvAH |
sapta svasAro abhi saM navante yatra gavAM nihitA sapta nAma || 1.164.03
imam | ratham | adhi | ye | sapta | tasthuḥ | sapta-cakram
Post by ecky
| sapta | vahanti | aśvāḥ | sapta | svasāraḥ | abhi | sam | navante |
yatra | gavām | ni-hitā | sapta | nāma
3 The seven who on the seven-wheeled car are mounted have horses, seven
in tale, who draw them onward.
Seven Sisters utter songs of praise together, in whom the names of the
seven Cows are treasured.
ko dadarsha prathamaM jAyamAnamasthanvantaM yadanasthA bibharti | bhUmyA
asurasR^igAtmA kva svitko vidvAMsamupa gAtpraShTumetat ||

kaḥ | dadarśa | prathamam | jāyamānam | asthan-vantam | yat | anasthā |
bibharti | bhūmyāḥ | asuḥ | asṛk | ātmā | kva | svit | kaḥ | vidvāṃsam |
upa | gāt | praṣṭum| etat //

4 Who hath beheld him as he sprang to being, seen how the boneless One
supports the bony?
Where is the blood of earth, the life, the spirit? Who may approach the
man who knows, to ask it?
2009-09-04 17:15:50 UTC
paakaH pR^ichChAmi manasAvijAnandevAnAmenA nihitA padAni | vatse
baShkaye.adhi sapta tantUnvi tatnire kavaya otavA u || 1.164.05

pākaḥ | pṛcchāmi | manasā | avi-jānan | devānām |
enā | ni-hitā | padāni | vatse | baṣkaye | adhi | sapta | tantūn | vi |
tatnire | kavayaḥ | otavai | oṃ iti // RV_1,164.5 //

5 Unripe in mind, in spirit undiscerning, I ask of these the Gods’
established places;
For up above the yearling Calf the sages, to form a web, their own seven
threads have woven.

paakaH -- unripe(?)
prcchaami -- I ask
manasaa -- (here) in mind (and 'in spirit'??)
avijaanan -- undiscerning
devaanaam -- Gods' (genitive [ = possessive] plural])
enaa -- these (accusative plural???)
nihitaa -- established
padaani -- places???
vatse baskaye adhi -- up above (adhi) the yearling (baskaya) calf (vatsa)
sapta -- seven
tantuun -- threads
vi tatnire -- (they) have woven
kavayaH -- the sages
otavai -- for a web > to form a web (dative singular from 'otu')
u -- prolly just a verse filler, or stuff...
2009-09-06 09:04:37 UTC
achikitvA~nchikituShashchidatra kavInpR^ichChAmi vidmane na vidvAn | vi
yastastambha ShaLimA rajAMsyajasya rUpe kimapi svidekam || 1.164.06 iha

acikitvān | cikituṣaḥ | cit | atra | kavīn | pṛcchāmi | vidmane | na |
vidvān | vi | yaḥ | tastambha | ṣaṭ | imā | rajāṃsi | ajasya | rūpe | kim
| api | svit | ekam // RV_1,164.6 //

6 I ask, unknowing, those who know, the sages, as one all ignorant for
sake of knowledge,
What was that ONE who in the Unborn's image hath stablished and fixed firm
these worlds' six regions.

acikitvaan -- unknowing
cikituSaH -- those who know
kaviin -- "the sages'im" (pluraalin akkusatiivi lienöö tämä muoto..)
pRcchaami -- I ask
vidmane -- for the sake of knowledge (singulaarin datiivi?)
na vidvaan -- not knowing: "as one all ignorant"
vi...tastambha -- (who) hath stablished and fixed firm???
yah --- he, who (relatiivipronomini)
SaT -- six
imaa -- these (pluraalin akkusatiivi, "vedalainen" muoto?)
rajaaMsi -- world's regions
ajasya -- (in the) unborn's
ruupe -- in (the) image
kim api svit ekam -- who (was) that one, or stuff, LOL!
2009-09-06 11:17:19 UTC
iha bravItu ya Ima~Nga vedAsya vAmasya nihitaM padaM veH | shIrShNaH
duhrate gAvo asya vavriM vasAnA udakaM padApuH || 1.164.07

iha | bravītu | yaḥ | īm | aṅga | veda | asya | vāmasya | ni-hitam | padam
| veri tiveḥ | śīrṣṇaḥ | kṣīram | duhrate | gāvaḥ | asya | vavrim |
vasānāḥ | udakam | padā | apuḥ // RV_1,164.7

7 Let him who knoweth presently declare it, this lovely Bird's securely
founded station.
Forth from his head the Cows draw milk, and, wearing his vesture, with
their foot have drunk the water.

iha -- here, presently
braviitu -- let (him) declare (it)
yah -- he, who
iim -- (verse filler?)
an.ga -- (please)
veda -- knoweth
asya -- (of) this
vaamasya -- (of) lovely
nihitam -- securely "founded'im"
padam -- station
shiirSNaH -- from (his) head
kSiiram -- "milk'im"
duhrate -- (they) draw (milk)
gaavaH -- cows
asya -- his
vavrim -- "vesture'im"
vasaanaaH -- wearing??
udakam -- "water'im"
padaa - with (their) foot
apuH -- have drunk
2009-09-06 21:15:44 UTC
mAtA pitaramR^ita A babhAja dhItyagre manasA saM hi jagme | sA
bIbhatsurgarbharasA nividdhA namasvanta idupavAkamIyuH ||
mātā | pitaram | ṛte | ā |
babhāja | dhītī | agre | manasā | sam | hi | jagme | sā | bībhatsuḥ |
garbha-rasā | ni-viddhā | namasvantaḥ | it | upa- vākam | īyuḥ //
RV_1,164.8 //

8 The Mother gave the Sire his share of Order: with thought, at first, she
wedded him in spirit.
She, the coy Dame, was filled with dew prolific: with adoration men
approached to praise her.
2009-09-11 08:19:08 UTC
1.164.08 yuktA mAtAsIddhuri dakShiNAyA atiShThadgarbho vR^ijanIShvantaH |
amImedvatso anu gAmapashyadvishvarUpyaM triShu yojaneShu

yuktā | mātā | āsīt | dhuri | dakṣiṇāyāḥ | atiṣṭhat | garbhaḥ | vṛjanīṣu |
antariti | amīmet | vatsaḥ | anu | gām | apaśyat | viśva-rūpyam | triṣu |
yojaneṣu // RV_1,164.9 //

9 Yoked was the Mother to the boon Cow's car-pole: in the dank rows of
cloud the Infant rested.
Then the Calf lowed, and looked upon the Mother, the Cow who wears all
shapes in three directions.
2009-09-11 18:45:49 UTC
tisro mAtR^IstrInpitR^Inbibhradeka Urdhvastasthau nemava glApayanti |
mantrayante divo amuShya pR^iShThe vishvavidaM vAchamavishvaminvAm ||
Post by ecky
tisraḥ | mātṝḥ | trīn | pitṝn | bibhrat | ekaḥ | ūrdhvaḥ | tasthau | na
| īm | ava | glapayanti | mantrayante | divaḥ | amuṣya | pṛṣṭhe | viśva-
vidam | vācam | aviśva-minvām // RV_1,164.10 // //15//.
10 Bearing three Mothers and three Fathers, single he stood erect: they
never make him weary.
There on the pitch of heaven they speak together in speech all-knowing but
not all-impelling.
2009-09-12 11:44:09 UTC
dvAdashAraM nahi tajjarAya varvarti chakraM pari dyAmR^itasya | A putrA
agne mithunAso atra sapta shatAni viMshatishcha tasthuH || 1.164.11
dvādaśa-aram | nahi | tat | jarāya | varvarti | cakram | pari | dyām |
ṛtasya | ā | putrāḥ | agne | mithunāsaḥ | atra | sapta | śatāni | viṃśatiḥ
| ca | tasthuḥ //

11 Formed with twelve spokes, by length of time, unweakened, rolls round
the heaven this wheel of during Order. Herein established, joined in pairs
together, seven hundred Sons and twenty stand, O Agni.
2009-09-12 11:54:56 UTC
Post by ecky
pa~nchapAdaM pitaraM dvAdashAkR^itiM diva AhuH pare ardhe purIShiNam |
atheme anya upare vichakShaNaM saptachakre ShaLara Ahurarpitam || 1.164.12
// pañca-pādam | pitaram | dvādaśa-ākṛtim |
divaḥ | āhuḥ | pare | ardhe | purīṣiṇam | atha | ime | anye | upare |
vi-cakṣaṇam | sapta-cakre | ṣaṭ- are | āhuḥ | arpitam // RV_1,164.12 //

12 They call him in the farther half of heaven the Sire five-footed, of
twelve forms, wealthy in watery store. These others say that he, God with
far-seeing eyes, is mounted on the lower seven-wheeled, six-spoked car.

Notice some tricky sandhis:

anye + upare > anya upare[1]
SaT-are + aahuH + arpitam > SaLara aahurarpitam

1. Before any other vowel than *short* 'a', 'e' at the end of
a word changes to 'a'. In *Classical* Sanskrit, 'pare ardhe' would
IMO become 'pare `rdhe'.
2009-09-12 21:35:46 UTC
pa~nchAre chakre parivartamAne tasminnA tasthurbhuvanAni vishvA | tasya
nAkShastapyate bhUribhAraH sanAdeva na shIryate sanAbhiH || 1.164.13
Post by ecky
pañca-are | cakre | pari-vartamāne | tasmin | ā | tasthuḥ | bhuvanāni |
viśvā | tasya | na | akṣaḥ | tapyate | bhūri-bhāraḥ | sanāt | eva | na |
śīryate | sa-nābhiḥ /
3 Upon this five-spoked wheel revolving ever all living creatures rest
and are dependent.
Its axle, heavy-laden, is not heated: the nave from ancient time remains
2009-09-12 21:40:49 UTC
Post by ecky
sanemi chakramajaraM vi vAvR^ita uttAnAyAM dasha yuktA vahanti |
sUryasya chakShU rajasaityAvR^itaM tasminnArpitA bhuvanAni vishvA ||
/ sa-nemi | cakram | ajaram | vi |
vavṛte | uttānāyām | daśa | yuktāḥ | vahanti | sūryasya | cakṣiḥ | rajasā
| eti | āvṛtam | tasmin | ārpitā | bhuvanāni | viśvā // RV_1,164.14 //

14 The wheel revolves, unwasting, with its felly: ten draw it, yoked to
the far-stretching car-pole.
The Sun's eye moves encompassed by the region: on him dependent rest all
living creatures.
2009-09-13 06:19:08 UTC
Post by ecky
sAkaMjAnAM saptathamAhurekajaM ShaLidyamA R^iShayo devajA iti |
teShAmiShTAni vihitAni dhAmasha sthAtre rejante vikR^itAni rUpashaH ||
sākam-jānām | saptatham | āhuḥ | eka-jam | ṣaṭ | it | yamāḥ | ṛṣayaḥ |
deva-jāḥ | iti | teṣām | iṣṭāni | vi-hitāni | dhāma-śaḥ sthātre | rejante
| vi-kṛtāni | rūpa-śaḥ

15 Of the co-born they call the seventh single-born; the six twin pairs
are called Ṛṣis, Children of Gods. Their good gifts sought of men are
ranged in order due, and various in their form move for the Lord who
2009-09-13 06:30:16 UTC
Post by ecky
striyaH satIstA.N u me puMsa AhuH pashyadakShaNvAnna vi chetadandhaH |
kaviryaH putraH sa ImA chiketa yastA vijAnAtsa pituShpitAsat || 1.164.16
striyaḥ | satīḥ | tān | oṃ iti | me | puṃsaḥ | āāhuḥ | paśyat | akṣaṇ-vān
| na | vi | cetat | andhaḥ | kaviḥ | yaḥ | putraḥ | saḥ | īm | ā | ciketa
| yaḥ | tā | vi-jānāt | saḥ | pituḥ | pitā | asat // RV_1,164.16

16 They told me these were males, though truly females: he who
hath eyes sees this, the blind discerns not.
The son who is a sage hath comprehended: who knows this rightly is his
father's father.
2009-09-13 06:37:08 UTC
avaH pareNa para enAvareNa padA vatsaM bibhratI gaurudasthAt | sA kadrIchI
kaM svidardhaM parAgAtkva svitsUte nahi yUthe antaH || 1.164.17

/ avaḥ |pareṇa | paraḥ | enā | avareṇa | padā | vatsam | bibhratī | gauḥ
| ut |asthāt | sā | kadrīcī | kam | svit | ardham | parā | agāt | kva |
svit |sūte | nahi | yūthe | antar iti // RV_1,164.17

17 Beneath the upper realm, above this lower, bearing her calf at foot the
Cow hath risen.
Witherward, to what place hath she departed? Where calves she? Not amid
this herd of cattle.
2009-09-13 06:41:25 UTC
avaH pareNa pitaraM yo asyAnuveda para enAvareNa | kavIyamAnaH ka iha pra
vochaddevaM manaH kuto adhi prajAtam || 1.164.18
// avaḥ | pareṇa | pitaram
| yaḥ | asya | anu-veda | paraḥ | enā | avareṇa | kavi-yamānaḥ | kaḥ |
iha | pra | vocat | devam | manaḥ | kutaḥ | adhi | pra-jātam //
RV_1,164.18 //
18 Who, that the father of this Calf discerneth beneath the upper realm,
above the lower,
Showing himself a sage, may here declare it? Whence hath the Godlike
spirit had its rising?
2009-09-13 06:45:51 UTC
ye arvA~nchastA.N u
parAcha Ahurye parA~nchastA.N u arvAcha AhuH | indrashcha yA chakrathuH
soma tAni dhurA na yuktA rajaso vahanti || 1.164.19

ye | arvāñcaḥ | tān | oṃ iti | parācaḥ | āhuḥ | ye | parāñcaḥ | tān | oṃ
iti | arvācaḥ | āhuḥ | indraḥ | ca | yā | cakrathuḥ | soma | tāni | dhurā
| na | yuktāḥ | rajasaḥ | vahanti // RV_1,164.19

19 Those that come hitherward they call departing, those that depart they
call directed hither.
And what so ye have made, Indra and Soma, steeds bear as ’twere yoked to
the region's car-pole.
2009-09-13 06:54:47 UTC
Post by ecky
dvA suparNA sayujA sakhAyA samAnaM vR^ikShaM pari ShasvajAte |
tayoranyaH pippalaM svAdvattyanashnannanyo abhi chAkashIti || 1.164.20
dvā | su-parṇā |sa-yujā | sakhāyā | samanam | vṛkṣam | pari |
sasvajāteiti | tayoḥ | anyaḥ
| pippalam | svādu | atti | anaśnan | anyaḥ | abhi | cākaśīti //
RV_1,164.20 //

0 Two Birds with fair wings, knit with bonds of friendship, in the same
sheltering tree have found a refuge.
One of the twain eats the sweet Fig-tree's fruitage; the other eating not
regardeth only.

Toi taitaa olla aika monesti siteerattu pätkä, mm. jossakin upaniSad'issa.
Pistetääs vähän sanastoo tähän:

dvaa -- kaksi
suparNaa -- (kaksi) kaunissiipistä lintuu
sayujaa -- (kaksi) "liitetty siteellä"
sakhaayaa -- (liitetty) ystävyyden (siteellä)
samaanam -- samasta
vRksam -- puusta

etc, etc...
2009-09-13 17:43:11 UTC
yatrA suparNA amR^itasya bhAgamanimeShaM vidathAbhisvaranti | ino
vishvasya bhuvanasya gopAH sa mA dhIraH pAkamatrA vivesha || 1.164.21
yatra | su-parṇā | amṛtasya | bhāgam | animeṣam | vidathā | abhi-svaranti
| inaḥ | viśvasya | bhuvanasya | gopāḥ | saḥ | mā | dhīraḥ | pākam | atra
| ā | viveśa // RV_1,164.21 //

21 Where those fine Birds hymn ceaselessly their portion of life eternal,
and the sacred synods,
There is the Universe's mighty Keeper, who, wise, hath entered into me the
2009-09-13 17:51:33 UTC
Post by ecky
yasminvR^ikShe madhvadaH suparNA nivishante suvate chAdhi vishve |
tasyedAhuH pippalaM svAdvagre tannonnashadyaH pitaraM na veda || 1.164.22
yasmin | vṛkṣe | madhu-adaḥ | su-parṇāḥ | ni-viśante | suvate | ca | adhi
| viśve | tasya | it | āhuḥ | pippalam | svādu | agre | tat | na | ut |
naśat | yaḥ | pitaram | na | veda // RV_1,164.22

2 The, tree whereon the fine Birds eat the sweetness, where they all rest
and procreate their offspring,— Upon its top they say the fig is luscious:
none gaineth it who knoweth not the Father.
2009-09-13 21:38:16 UTC
Post by ecky
yadgAyatre adhi gAyatramAhitaM traiShTubhAdvA traiShTubhaM niratakShata
| yadvA jagajjagatyAhitaM padaM ya ittadviduste amR^itatvamAnashuH ||
/ yat | gāyatre | adhi |
gāyatram | āhitam | traistubhāt | vā | traistubham | niḥ-atakṣata | yat |
vā | jagat | jagati | āhitam | padam | ye | it | tat | viduḥ | te |
amṛta-tvam | ānaśuḥ // RV_1,164.23 //

23 How on the Gāyatrī the Gāyatrī was based, how from the Triṣṭup they
fashioned the Triṣṭup forth,
How on the Jagatī was based the Jagatī,—they who know this have won
themselves immortal life.
2009-09-19 07:10:48 UTC
gAyatreNa prati mimIte arkamarkeNa sAma traiShTubhena vAkam | vAkena
vAkaM dvipadA chatuShpadAkShareNa mimate sapta vANIH ||
gāyatreṇa | prati | mimīte | arkam |
arkeṇa | sāma | traistubhena | vākam | vākena | vākam | dvi-padā |
catuḥ-padā | akṣareṇa | mimate | sapta | vāṇīḥ // RV_1,164.24 //

24 With Gāyatrī he measures out the praise-song, Sāma with praise-song,
triplet with the Triṣṭup.
The triplet with the two or four-foot measure, and with the syllable they
form seven metres.
2009-09-19 07:18:44 UTC
jagatA sindhuM
divyastabhAyadrathaMtare sUryaM paryapashyat | gAyatrasya samidhastisra
Ahustato mahnA pra ririche mahitvA || 1.164.25
Post by ecky
jagatā | sindhum | divi | astabhāyat | ratham-tare | sūryam | pari |
apaśyat | gāyatrasya | sam-idhaḥ | tisraḥ | āhuḥ | tataḥ | mahrā | pra |
ririce | mahi-tvā // RV_1,164.25 //
5 With Jagatī the flood in heaven he stablished, and saw the Sun in the
Rathantara Sāman.
Gāyatrī hath, they say, three brands for kindling: hence it excels in
majesty and vigour.
2009-09-19 07:28:17 UTC
upa hvaye sudughAM dhenumetAM suhasto godhuguta dohadenAm | shreShThaM
savaM savitA sAviShanno.abhIddho gharmastadu Shu pra vocham || 1.164.26
Post by ecky
upa | hvaye | su-dughām | dhenum | etām | su-hastaḥ | go--dhuk | uta |
dohat | enām | śreṣṭham | savam | savitā | sāviṣat | naḥ | abhi-iddhaḥ |
gharmaḥ | tat | oṃ iti | su | pra | vocam // RV_1,164.26 /
26 I invocate the milch-cow good for milking so that the milker, deft of
hand, may drain her.
May Savitar give goodliest stimulation. The caldron is made hot; I will
proclaim it.
2009-09-19 07:39:33 UTC
hi~NkR^iNvatI vasupatnI vasUnAM vatsamichChantI manasAbhyAgAt |
duhAmashvibhyAM payo aghnyeyaM sA vardhatAM mahate saubhagAya || 1.164.27
// hiṅ-kṛṇvatī |
vasu-patnī | vasūnām | vatsam | icchantī | manasā | abhi | ā | agāt |
duhām | aśvi-bhyām | payaḥ | aghnyā | iyam | sā | vardhatām | mahate |
saubhagāya // RV_1,164.27
27 She, lady of all treasure, is come hither yearning in spirit for her
calf and lowing.
May this cow yield her milk for both the Aśvins, and may she prosper to
our high advantage.
2009-09-19 08:05:47 UTC
gauramImedanu vatsaM miShantaM mUrdhAnaM hi~N~NakR^iNonmAtavA u |
sR^ikvANaM gharmamabhi vAvashAnA mimAti mAyuM payate payobhiH || 1.164.28
Post by ecky
gauḥ | amīmet | anu | vatsam | miṣantam |
mūrdhānam | hiṅ | akṛṇot | mātavai | oṃ iti | sṛkvaaṇam | gharmam | abhi
| vāvaśānā | mimāti | māyum | payate | payaḥ-bhiḥ // RV_1,164.28
28 The cow hath lowed after her blinking youngling; she licks his
forehead, as she lows, to form it.
His mouth she fondly calls to her warm udder, and suckles him with milk
while gently lowing.
2009-09-19 08:13:15 UTC
ayaM sa shi~Nkte yena gaurabhIvR^itA mimAti mAyuM dhvasanAvadhi shritA |
sA chittibhirni hi chakAra martyaM vidyudbhavantI prati vavrimauhata ||
/ ayam |> saḥ | śiṅkte | yena | gauḥ | abhi-vṛṭā | mimāti | māyum |
dhvasanau |> adhi | śritā | sā | citti-bhiḥ | ni | hi | cakāra | martyam
| vi-dyut |> bhavantī | prati | vavrim | auhata // RV_1,164.29 //

29 He also snorts, by whom encompassed round the Cow laws as she clings
unto the shedder of the rain.
She with her shrilling cries hath humbled mortal man, and, turned to
lightning, hath stripped off her covering robe.
2009-09-19 08:35:57 UTC
anachChaye turagAtu jIvamejaddhruvaM madhya A pastyAnAm | jIvo mR^itasya
charati svadhAbhiramartyo martyenA sayoniH || 1.164.30
// anat | śaye |
tura-gātu | jīvam | ejat | dhruvam | madhye | ā | pastyānām | jīvaḥ |
mṛtasya | carati | svadhābhiḥ | amartyaḥ | martyena | sa- yoniḥ //
30 That which hath breath
and speed and life and motion lies firmly stablished in the midst of
Living, by offerings to the Dead he moveth Immortal One, the brother of
the mortal.
2009-09-20 15:34:56 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

apashyaM gopAmanipadyamAnamA cha parA cha pathibhishcharantam | sa
sadhrIchIH sa viShUchIrvasAna A varIvarti bhuvaneShvantaH || 1.164.31 ya
Post by ecky
apaśyam | gopām | ani-padyamānam | ā | ca | parā | ca | pathi-bhiḥ |
carantam | saḥ | sadhrīcīḥ | saḥ | viṣūcīḥ | vasānaḥ | ā | varīvarti |
bhuvaneṣu | antariti // RV_1,164.31 /
31 I saw the Herdsman, him who never stumbles, approaching by his pathways
and departing.
He, clothed with gathered and diffusive splendour, within the worlds
continually travels.
2009-09-20 15:40:08 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

IM chakAra na so asya veda ya IM dadarsha hiruginnu tasmAt | sa mAturyonA
parivIto antarbahuprajA nirR^itimA vivesha || 1.164.32
/ yaḥ | īm | cakāra | na | saḥ | asya | veda | yaḥ | īm | dadarśa |
hiruk | it | nu | tasmāt | saḥ | mātuḥ | yonā | pari-vītaḥ | antaḥ |
bahu-prajāḥ | niḥ-ṛtim | ā | viveśa // RV_1,164.32 //
32 He who hath made him cloth not comprehend him: from him who saw him
surely is he hidden.
He, yet enveloped in his Mother's bosom, source of much life, hath sunk
into destruction.
2009-09-22 18:16:59 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

dyaurme pitA janitA nAbhiratra bandhurme mAtA pR^ithivI mahIyam |
uttAnayoshchamvo3ryonirantaratrA pitA duhiturgarbhamAdhAt || 1.164.33
Post by ecky
dyauḥ | me | pitā | janitā | nābhiḥ | atra | bandhuḥ | me | mātā |
pṛthivī | mahī | iyam | uttānayoḥ | camvoḥ | yoniḥ | antaḥ | atra | pitā
| duhituḥ | garbham | ā | adhāt // RV_1,164.33 //
33 Dyaus is my Father, my begetter: kinship is here. This great earth is
my kin and Mother.
Between the wide-spread world-halves is the birth-place: the Father laid
the Daughter's germ within it.

dyauh -- Dyaus
me -- my
pitaa -- father
janitaa -- begetter
naabhiH -- kinship??
atra -- [is] here
bandhuH -- kin?
me -- my
maataa -- mother
pRthivii -- earth
mahii -- great
iyam -- this
uttaanayoH -- (those two) widespread?
camvoH -- (those two) world-halves?
yoniH -- birth-place
antaH -- between
atra -- here (within)
pitaa -- father
duhituH -- daughter's
garbham -- "germ'im"
aa adhaat -- (he) laid (it)
2009-09-22 18:28:16 UTC
pR^ichChAmi tvA paramantaM pR^ithivyAH pR^ichChAmi yatra bhuvanasya
nAbhiH |
pR^ichChAmi tvA vR^iShNo ashvasya retaH pR^ichChAmi vAchaH paramaM vyoma
|| 1.164.34

pṛcchāmi | tvā | param | antam | pṛthivyāḥ | pṛcchāmi | yatra |
bhuvanasya | nābhiḥ | pṛcchāmi | tvā | vṛṣṇaḥ | aśvasya | retaḥ |
pṛcchāmi | vācaḥ | paramam | vi-oma // RV_1,164.34 //

34 I ask thee of the earth's extremest limit, where is the centre of the
world, I ask thee.
I ask thee of the Stallion's seed prolific, I ask of highest heaven where
Speech abideth.

pRcchaami -- I ask
tvaa -- thee
param -- extremest'im
antam -- limit'im
pRThivyaaH -- of the earth's
yatra -- where [is]
bhuvanasya -- of the world
naabhiH -- centre
vRSNaH -- prolific??
ashvasya -- of the Stallion's
retaH -- seed
vaacaH -- of speech?
paramam -- highest
vi-oma -- heaven
2009-09-23 10:34:08 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

saptArdhagarbhA bhuvanasya reto viShNostiShThanti pradishA vidharmaNi |
te dhItibhirmanasA te vipashchitaH paribhuvaH pari bhavanti vishvataH ||
Post by ecky
sapta | ardha-garbhāḥ | bhuvanasya | retaḥ | viṣṇoḥ | tiṣṭhanti | pra-
diśā | vi-dharmaṇi | te | dhīti-bhiḥ | manasā | te | vipaḥ-citaḥ | pari-
bhuvaḥ | pari | bhavanti | viśvataḥ // RV_1,164.36 //
36 Seven germs unripened yet are heaven's prolific seed: their functions
they maintain by Viṣṇu's ordinance.
Endued with wisdom through intelligence and thought, they compass us
about present on every side.
2009-09-23 21:50:15 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

na vi jAnAmi yadivedamasmi niNyaH saMnaddho manasA charAmi |
yadA mAganprathamajA R^itasyAdidvAcho ashnuve bhAgamasyAH || 1.164.37
Post by ecky
na | vi | jānāmi | yat-iva | idam | asmi | niṇyaḥ | sam-naddhaḥ | manasā
| carāmi | yadā | mā | ā | agan | prathama-jāḥ | ṛtasya | āt | it |
vācaḥ | aśnuve | bhāgam | asyāḥ // RV_1,164.37 //
37 What thing I truly am I know not clearly: mysterious, fettered in my
mind I wander.
When the first-born of holy Law approached me, then of this speech I
first obtain a portion.
2009-09-23 21:56:29 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

apA~NprA~Neti svadhayA gR^ibhIto.amartyo martyenA sayoniH |
tA shashvantA viShUchInA viyantA nya1nyaM chikyurna ni chikyuranyam ||
Post by ecky
apāṅ | prāṅ | eti | svadhayā | gṛbhītaḥ | amartyaḥ | martyena | sa-yoniḥ
| tā | śaśvantā | viṣūcīnā | vi-yantā | ni | anyam | cikyuḥ | na | ni |
cikyuḥ | anyam // RV_1,164.38 //
38 Back, forward goes he, grasped by strength inherent, the Immortal born
the brother of the mortal
Ceaseless they move in opposite directions: men mark the one, and fail to
mark the other.
2009-09-23 21:59:55 UTC
ecky likhitavaan aasa:

R^icho akShare parame vyomanyasmindevA adhi vishve niSheduH |
yastanna veda kimR^ichA kariShyati ya ittadvidusta ime samAsate ||
Post by ecky
ṛcaḥ | akṣare | parame | vi-oman | yasmin | devāḥ | adhi | viśve | ni-
seduḥ | yaḥ | tat | na | veda | kim | ṛcā | kariṣyati | ye | it | tat |
viduḥ | te | ime | sam | āsate // RV_1,164.39 //
39 Upon what syllable of holy praise-song, as twere their highest heaven,
the Gods repose them,—
Who knows not this, what will he do with praise-song? But they who know
it well sit here assembled.
