becky hicks
2009-05-11 10:20:53 UTC
The concept of meditating for many people is that of hippies sitting
out in the bush, high on weed, all chanting together or of Buddhist
Monks in the high mountains of Tibet chanting their sacred text.
Meditation can be all of that and more. Meditation is for everyone,
not just a select group. When choosing to meditate, you must clearly
define the purpose of the meditation session. Meditation in the
western world is most commonly related to stress relief and to help
ease the strains of everyday life but it does not have to be.
What is meditation?
Most people miss understand the purpose of meditation and what you can
achieve with it. The purpose of meditation is to remove the demands
the world places on your mind. It is about clearing your mind so that
you can prepare for the next on-slaught the world decides to throw at
If you are stressed then meditation will help you to clear your mind
of the stress so that you can better focus on the issues that are
causing the stress. The cool part is that during a meditation session
you can teach yourself or direct yourself to do anything you want.
In a book I have become a great believer in, Think and Grow Rich by
Napoleon Hill, the writer in his third secret of what millionaires
know to become obscenely rich and successful, he talks about
Autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is about programming your mind to
become successful and achieve what you want.
Meditation is a great tool in helping you to achieve this objective.
In fact meditation is the best way to help reprogram your mind to
achieve anything. Buddhist monks for millenniums have been using
meditation to help in their path to enlightenment and in becoming a
better person. During their meditations they reflect on where they are
in their life and based on the sacred texts provided by Lord Buddha
they use these during their meditations to reflect on what they have
done and use the teachings to become a better person and achieve
enlightenment. They use the sacred texts to help their reflections in
changing who they are to what they want to be.
This leads me to an important statement, do not meditate for the sake
of it, have a clear purpose for your meditation session.
If you are stressed then your meditation session should be focused on
helping you to overcome the stress and get back to a point of calm.
Once you have got to the point of calm then your next step is to
meditate on the issue that is causing you the stress. For example, if
someone in your office is causing you stress through bullying or being
rude to you then you should be using your meditation sessions to
retrain your mind on how to deal with these bullies.
The retraining meditation session could be achieved through using
lessons or repeating text from people who are experts in this area and
then reflecting on the lessons during the meditation session.
Alternatively, you can reflect on the actual situation where you had a
run in with the person who is causing you issues and then during your
meditation reconstruct the situation and work out ways you could have
made the situation better. Essentially you can use the meditation
session to role play and work out a strategy to ensure you maintain
control over the situation the next time someone is causing your pain
and suffering.
Using meditation in this way will help you in dealing with situations
more effectively. The reason we do the reflections during meditation
is because that is when our mind is without clutter or impacted by the
stresses of day-to-day life. Before doing the reflection you should
always deal with the stress before beginning the reflection or you
will not achieve your outcomes.
Look, what I wanted for you to get out of this article was that,
before you start your meditation, you should always have a clear
outcome that you want to achieve with the meditation. If you do not
meditate with a purpose, then your meditation will not be effective.
out in the bush, high on weed, all chanting together or of Buddhist
Monks in the high mountains of Tibet chanting their sacred text.
Meditation can be all of that and more. Meditation is for everyone,
not just a select group. When choosing to meditate, you must clearly
define the purpose of the meditation session. Meditation in the
western world is most commonly related to stress relief and to help
ease the strains of everyday life but it does not have to be.
What is meditation?
Most people miss understand the purpose of meditation and what you can
achieve with it. The purpose of meditation is to remove the demands
the world places on your mind. It is about clearing your mind so that
you can prepare for the next on-slaught the world decides to throw at
If you are stressed then meditation will help you to clear your mind
of the stress so that you can better focus on the issues that are
causing the stress. The cool part is that during a meditation session
you can teach yourself or direct yourself to do anything you want.
In a book I have become a great believer in, Think and Grow Rich by
Napoleon Hill, the writer in his third secret of what millionaires
know to become obscenely rich and successful, he talks about
Autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is about programming your mind to
become successful and achieve what you want.
Meditation is a great tool in helping you to achieve this objective.
In fact meditation is the best way to help reprogram your mind to
achieve anything. Buddhist monks for millenniums have been using
meditation to help in their path to enlightenment and in becoming a
better person. During their meditations they reflect on where they are
in their life and based on the sacred texts provided by Lord Buddha
they use these during their meditations to reflect on what they have
done and use the teachings to become a better person and achieve
enlightenment. They use the sacred texts to help their reflections in
changing who they are to what they want to be.
This leads me to an important statement, do not meditate for the sake
of it, have a clear purpose for your meditation session.
If you are stressed then your meditation session should be focused on
helping you to overcome the stress and get back to a point of calm.
Once you have got to the point of calm then your next step is to
meditate on the issue that is causing you the stress. For example, if
someone in your office is causing you stress through bullying or being
rude to you then you should be using your meditation sessions to
retrain your mind on how to deal with these bullies.
The retraining meditation session could be achieved through using
lessons or repeating text from people who are experts in this area and
then reflecting on the lessons during the meditation session.
Alternatively, you can reflect on the actual situation where you had a
run in with the person who is causing you issues and then during your
meditation reconstruct the situation and work out ways you could have
made the situation better. Essentially you can use the meditation
session to role play and work out a strategy to ensure you maintain
control over the situation the next time someone is causing your pain
and suffering.
Using meditation in this way will help you in dealing with situations
more effectively. The reason we do the reflections during meditation
is because that is when our mind is without clutter or impacted by the
stresses of day-to-day life. Before doing the reflection you should
always deal with the stress before beginning the reflection or you
will not achieve your outcomes.
Look, what I wanted for you to get out of this article was that,
before you start your meditation, you should always have a clear
outcome that you want to achieve with the meditation. If you do not
meditate with a purpose, then your meditation will not be effective.