Secret Inner Teachings
(too old to reply)
2021-12-11 23:35:02 UTC
"He used to live only on germinated gram seeds mixed with a little bit of salt. He lived on a hillock in a small natural cave near a mountain pool." - Swami Rama

The auspicious hand-sign in Sanskrit literature is referred to as the symbol of wisdom or the mark of the "I" consciousness which represents "Knowing that I Am", or "Knowing that I know." The auspicious hand-sign meditation reminds us of the absolute truth, the circle made by the thumb and the forefinger is the symbol of unity - a space that is empty, yet full at the same time. It is the symbol of the one reality and for Shankara, the one-without-a-second. In this photo SBS is advocating the yogic practice of meditation by use of a mudra, the auspicious hand-sign being the mnemonic device par-excellence.

2021-12-12 00:18:26 UTC
Apparently, the sage Gotama was also called a 'muni' which means 'silent one', thus we get in Pali, 'the silent sage of the Sakya clan' i.e Shakyamuni, or Shakya the Muni. And why? The Buddha spoke not one word. Truth can never be put into words; not one person has ever spoken the Truth in the whole history of mankind! Based on this logic, all men are liars.

If so, the Buddha must have communicated in esoteric hand signals, that is, by means of mudras, which were known only to a few initiates. (Braile had not been invented at this time.) This handy [sic] knowledge has sometimes been called a tantra mudra, ie. mystic finger positioning.
Post by WillyTex
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