Cosmic Awareness Reveals Details of 2012
(too old to reply)
2009-10-21 00:47:54 UTC
Over the last year or so, Cosmic Awareness channelings have revealed
the details of exactly what will happen December 21, 2012. I have
gathered most of the question and answer sessions about this
astounding Ascension event into a single 100-page free downloadable
PDF file. I think you will find it as profound and amazing as I have.
You can download it here (and feel free to pass it on):


-- Dave
Karmic Spirit
2009-10-24 11:32:33 UTC
Post by transactual.com
Over the last year or so, Cosmic Awareness channelings have revealed
the details of exactly what will happen December 21, 2012. I have
gathered most of the question and answer sessions about this
astounding Ascension event into a single 100-page free downloadable
PDF file. I think you will find it as profound and amazing as I have.
-- Dave
A real Mayan adept was on TV and stated that the Mayan
prediction has been misinterpreted by sensationalists.
He said the predictin was for the end of one age and the beginning
of another. It's similar to the Nostradamus predictions.
Anyone can maipulate them to promote their own agenda.
Remember how the Y2K scare turned out to be just hype?

Continue reading on narkive: