Conscious Evolution/Manifesting the God within
(too old to reply)
2009-08-15 15:34:33 UTC
It is believed by many that the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali will be the
primary text book for consciousness development for humanity for the
next 5,000 years.


Translated by Djwhal Kuhl and published in
The Light of the Soul: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
by Alice A. Bailey



(the first 13 sutras of 51 in book 1)
1. AUM. The following instruction concerneth the Science of Union.
2. This Union (or Yoga) is achieved through the subjugation of the
psychic nature, and the restraint of the chitta (or mind).
3. When this has been accomplished, the Yogi knows himself as he is in
4. Up till now the inner man has identified himself with his forms and
with their active modifications.
5. The mind states are five, and are subject to pleasure or pain; they
are painful or not painful.
6. These modifications (activities) are correct knowledge, incorrect
knowledge, fancy, passivity (sleep) and memory.
7. The basis of correct knowledge is correct perception, correct
deduction, and correct witness (or accurate evidence).
8. Incorrect knowledge is based upon perception of the form and not
upon the state of being.
9. Fancy rests upon images which have no real existence.
10. Passivity (sleep) is based upon the quiescent state of the vrittis
(or upon the non-perception of the senses.)
11. Memory is the holding on to that which has been known.
12. The control of these modifications of the internal organ, the
mind, is to be brought about through tireless endeavor and through
13. Tireless endeavor is the constant effort to restrain the
modifications of the mind.

(Follow the link to find the whole book, and commentary by the Tibetan
on each sutra)


in the beginning was the word, and the word was: AUM

That may be the most potent mantra for meditation that the general
public has access to. Thinking 'aum' has the definite effect of
bringing one's attention to the ajna center. Doing so, helps us to be
more useful to those who oversee man's evolution from behind the
scenes (the church invisible).


"God is there all the time but we cannot realize this because the mind
is not tuned. To tune it, two things are very important: self-
restraint and a mantra.

"A mantra is the most important prayer we have; it is like the knob
that we are using to tune the mind. When we inwardly slowly repeat,
for example, 'Om Namah Shivaya' while we, at the same time, listen to
its sound for about 30 minutes, the mind will undergo a change, a
transformation. Because the mind cannot accommodate more than one
thing at a time, negative things do not get a chance to enter it. When
that happens, we begin to realize peace and steadiness of mind."

Swami Nirliptananda

Om Tat Sat Hari Om

Transmission Meditation
Hundreds of meditation groups all over the world - In this meditation,
the participants work to keep their minds focused on the ajna center
(the chakra behind the eye). When we notice our attention going
elsewhere, we bring it back to the ajna by thinking AUM.


'God is not in the sky, God is in Heart.'
"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future."
The World Teacher


10 minute video by Share International about the "star" (UFOs)that are
heralding the appearance of Maitreya the World Teacher -

We are nearing the time for the reign of heaven on earth.
Ending poverty will end terrorism & war.
2009-08-17 11:34:28 UTC
Post by 2B-Clear
'God is not in
2009-08-19 15:11:08 UTC
this may be of interest...

from page 31, chapter 1 Early times on the moon chain -- MAN:

The consciousnesses of the animals we are following...they were again
thrown down into bodies and appeared as large monkeylike creatures,
leaping forty feet at a bound, and appearing to enjoy making
tremendous springs high into the air.

In the time of the fourth human race on this globe D they became
domesticated, acting as guardians of their masters ' property and as
playmates of the children of the household, much as faithful
watch-dogs may be now, carrying the children on their backs and in
their arms, and developing intense affection for their human masters;
the children nestled delightedly in their thick soft fur, and enjoyed
the huge bounds of their faithful guardians. One scene may act as a
type of the individualisation of such creatures.

There is a hut in which dwells a Moon-man, his wife and children;
these we know in later timesunder the names of Mars (now the Master M)
and Mercury (now the Master K.H.), the Mahaguru (now Gautama Buddah)
and Surya (now Maitreya).

A number of these monkey-creatures live round the hut, and give to
their owners the devotion of faithful dogs ; among them we notice the
future Sirius, Herakles, Alcyone and Mizar, to whom we may give their
future names for the purpose of recognition, though they are still
Their astral and mental bodies have grown under the play of their
owners human intelligence, as those of domesticated animals now
develop under our own; Sirius is devoted chiefly to Mercury, Herakles
to Mars; Alcyone and Mizar are passionately attached servants of the
Mahaguru and Surya.


Mahaguru …now the Lord Gautama Buddha
Surya … now the Lord Maitreya, the present Bodhisattva, the Supreme
Teacher of the world.
Mars … Now the Master M
Mercury … Now the Master K.H.
MIZAR ... . . . J. Nityananda.
Sirius... Leadbeater.
Herakles (Annie Besant),
Alcyone (Krishnamurti)

from page 31, MAN: WHENCE, HOW AND WHITHER - chapter 1 Early times on
the moon chain

25 meg pdf file:

book as a web page:
Post by 2B-Clear
It is believed by many that the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali will be the
primary text book for consciousness development for humanity for the
next 5,000 years.
Translated by Djwhal Kuhl and published in
The Light of the Soul: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
by Alice A. Bailey
(the first 13 sutras  of 51 in book 1)
1. AUM. The following instruction concerneth the Science of Union.
2. This Union (or Yoga) is achieved through the subjugation of the
psychic nature, and the restraint of the chitta (or mind).
3. When this has been accomplished, the Yogi knows himself as he is in
4. Up till now the inner man has identified himself with his forms and
with their active modifications.
5. The mind states are five, and are subject to pleasure or pain; they
are painful or not painful.
6. These modifications (activities) are correct knowledge, incorrect
knowledge, fancy, passivity (sleep) and memory.
7. The basis of correct knowledge is correct perception, correct
deduction, and correct witness (or accurate evidence).
8. Incorrect knowledge is based upon perception of the form and not
upon the state of being.
9. Fancy rests upon images which have no real existence.
10. Passivity (sleep) is based upon the quiescent state of the vrittis
(or upon the non-perception of the senses.)
11. Memory is the holding on to that which has been known.
12. The control of these modifications of the internal organ, the
mind, is to be brought about through tireless endeavor and through
13. Tireless endeavor is the constant effort to restrain the
modifications of the mind.
(Follow the link to find the whole book, and commentary by the Tibetan
on each sutra)
in the beginning was the word, and the word was: AUM
That may be the most potent mantra for meditation that the general
public has access to. Thinking 'aum' has the definite effect of
bringing one's attention to the ajna center. Doing so,  helps us to be
more useful to those who oversee man's evolution from behind the
scenes (the church invisible).
"God is there all the time but we cannot realize this because the mind
is not tuned. To tune it, two things are very important: self-
restraint and a mantra.
"A mantra is the most important prayer we have; it is like the knob
that we are using to tune the mind. When we inwardly slowly repeat,
for example, 'Om Namah Shivaya' while we, at the same time, listen to
its sound for about 30 minutes, the mind will undergo a change, a
transformation. Because the mind cannot accommodate more than one
thing at a time, negative things do not get a chance to enter it. When
that happens, we begin to realize peace and steadiness of mind."
Swami Nirliptanandahttp://www.mindlight.info/Swami/index.htm
Om Tat Sat Hari Om
Transmission Meditation
Hundreds of meditation groups all over the world - In this meditation,
the participants work to keep their minds focused on the ajna center
(the chakra behind the eye). When we notice our attention going
elsewhere, we bring it back to the ajna by thinking AUM.http://www.TransmissionMeditation.org
'God is not in the sky, God is in Heart.'
"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future."
The World Teacherhttp://www.Share-International.org
10 minute video by Share International about the "star" (UFOs)that are
heralding the appearance of Maitreya the World Teacher http://youtu.be/yuuMOvy1KNE
We are nearing the time for the reign of heaven on earth.
Ending poverty will end terrorism & war.
Continue reading on narkive: